How to Make Your Own Humane Mouse Trap

Now we all run through all of those mice problems. They seem to be anywhere and everywhere where we don’t wan them to be. They get into everything and cause us many hazards and tough times as far as we, the exterminators, go. Indeed you could hire an exterminator, but then you have to get the cash and trust me it isn’t all that cheap. You however want to try something new, by creating your own humane mouse trap.

It is a rather simple task and if you follow the steps below and use necessary materials, you can really surprise yourself on just how easy it is and how your problem will more than likely will be no longer.

First of all you probably want to learn a bit about your trap. Now for starters it is completely easy and does not involve any physical work by setting it or anything like that. It is also harmless to kids and other potential threats. Most of all however it gets rid of your mouse problem, and at the same time does not harm the mouse or anything.

Now that we have that set you are going to want to follow these easy steps and material needs.

1. You want to find a tube. You can use pretty much anything for this step for example, gardening hose, a piece of tubing, or just anything as long as there is enough room for the mouse to fit in it.

2. Then you are going to want to get something that will keep the mice contained it. You want to make sure that the mice cannot chew through it or anything like that, by doing this you can ultimately be able to completely trap your mouse.

3. Then another simple product you are going to need is tape., Again you can use any kind from scotch to duct tape.

4. Then you are going to want to get the mouse pleaser, or better known as bait. Bait is used to attract the mouse. Now you can use any type really as long as it is something that will attract the mouse, something like cheese or peanut butter.

5. Next you are going to want to cut the tube. You want to make sure it extends all throughout your container and a couple of inches out of it as well.

6. Now you want to position your newly cut tube in the holding device for the mouse. You want to let it hang out at least two-three inches and then secure it with your tape of choice.

7. Then take whatever you choose as bait and then put it in place, and wait to see if your trap is indeed a success or not.

8. Finally, pending the size of your catching mechanism, you will more than likely be able to contain more than one mouse. So after you catch as much as you can hold you want to release them in a place where they can not make their return back to your residence at least.

I hope you can use this very helpful and easy to make tool to get rid of mice, the fast, cheap, and easy way.


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Karla News

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