Karla News

How to Make Your Fake Toenails Look Natural

Fake Nails

The weather is increasingly getting hotter and the days seem much longer. There is no doubt that summer is well on its way!

When the temperature begins to heat up, the attire of the public begins to change. People can be seen in shorts, short sleeved shirts, and bare feet. With Crocs, sandals, and flip flops on the rise, toes are showing now more than ever.

This can be a wonderful and exciting time of the year for those with beautiful feet. However if you have been cursed with ingrown toenails and nails covered in fungus, this can be one of the worst and most feared time ever. There is nothing more that you want to do than slip back in and hide in your socks.

However there is great news! You no longer have to suffer in those hot and sweaty tennis shoes. You can proudly slip off your sock and slide your feet into those pretty little showy sandals and flip flops.

The wonderful discovery made is fake toenails! I have tried them now for the past two summers and they work great! The first summer was a little tricky. However, when applied correctly you can fool even the best feet observers! Others will even comment on the nice toenails that you have!

When applying your fake toenails, make certain that you cut your own nails as far back as possible.

Before applying the nail, lay it over your nail and check for the perfect fit. You may need to trim the sides of the fake nail in order to make it fit better. Do not worry about the length; you can always trim it later.

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After the fake nail is the right width, you are ready to apply the glue. Purchasing the nails with the tabs at the end are easier for applying without getting glue on your fingers. When placing the nail on your own toenail, begin at the cuticle. Ensuring that your nail fits tightly at the base where your nail joins your toe is the key to a natural looking fake toenail. Make sure that this area is pressed down before laying down the rest of the nail.

After all of the nails are applied you can trim and paint them to your desire. In some cases, painting your fake toenails makes them look even more natural than the manicured look.

For the first few days after applying your fake nails, your own toenails may feel a little uncomfortable. The extra pressure and weight on them takes a while to get used to. Do not give up and take them off. This goes ways before long.

The only trouble that I have had wearing my fake toenails is at the beach. The rush of the ocean water can cause the nails to loosen. Always be sure that you carry extra nails and the glue in your purchase. With some reapplying the fake toenails can last for a few weeks.