Categories: Food & Wine

How to Make a Romantic Alfredo Dinner

Many people want to go out for a lavish romantic dinner. It is a great way to be romantic and relax with your significant other. Restaurants can at times be a headache though. You have to make sure to set the reservations, make sure that the menu has not only food that you like, but that your significant other will find delectable as well. Unless you really need it you can prepare an awesome, romantic meal right from the kitchen of your very own home. Cooking for each other, shows that you really care about them. It says that you took the time out to show your affection. I will break down how to make a simple yet elegant Chicken Alfredo meal. A pasta dish that is sure to please. However you can prepare any type of dish you like. Personally i find Italian or pasta dishes to be quite romantic and a well received dinner idea, that is not considered ordinary run of the mill type of cuisine.

Step 1: Plan Ahead

– It is important when cooking a meal, in this case one on the romantic side, to plan ahead. You do not want to throw a feast such as this together if your significant other is having a tough day, or needs to come home and do work. It will ruin the whole purpose of the meal and will not be well appreciated.

– If you want the dinner to be a surprise, hint to your significant other what day of the week might be good to eat out. He or She will tell you the exact day or series of days that would be best to take the time aside to eat together with you. It will also be an added bonus in your favor when you surprise them with the romantic meal in your own home

– Planning makes perfect, preparation is key, it also ensures that you are ready and have everything ready. It shows also that you care enough to not slap a meal together at the last minute in desperation.

Step 2: Check Ingredients/ Recipe

– When making a dish there is seemingly countless options in flavor. With this particular meal chicken can come in many different cuts or seasonings, the Alfredo sauce can also be home made or store bought. Select your preferences for these before continuing it is important to know what each others tastes are. If you do not know it would be vital to ask.

– This also helps just in case one of you has a particular allergy or sensitivity to a particular flavor or substance that might be contained in the food such as gluten. Or you simply want to eat healthier and would prefer wheat or another type of noodle for the meal.

Step 3: Buy your ingredients

– The recipe i used only has 3 ingredients. Alfredo Noodles, Precut and Precooked Purdue Chicken Strips, and a Container of Alfredo Sauce

– It is important with the chicken to buy it fresh, for best flavor and for obvious health reasons

– The ingredients are not expensive, this is a very inexpensive dinner which is also an added bonus considering how much you would pay for this very same meal if you went out to a restaurant. The noodles were no more than one dollar, the sauce no more than two dollars the chicken was less than four dollars when i purchased it at Super Walmart.

– Seasonings are also good to have, such as basil, oregano, black pepper, salt, garlic powder Adobo or and all purpose seasoning of your choice

Cooking sprays and olive oil are also important to facilitate cooking

– Garlic Break can go great with this meal purchase a loaf or make your own

Step 4: Preparation

– Before you cook make sure you have all the clean pots and pans you need to cook the meal

– It is also important to have clean plates and utensils

– Use non stick spray such as Pam into pan to reheat the chicken. I like my chicken seasoned. Place into pan with desired seasonings or plain if you desire. Adding a little bit of extra virgin olive oil really adds a great flavor to the chicken.

– In a large pot, fill with water and bring to a boil, add salt and a table spoon of olive oil. When the noodles are placed they will not stick together

– Place Alfredo sauce into a microwave safe container, a Pyrex is preferable and easy to use when later using to pour over dish

Step 5: Cooking

– Place chicken strips into the now heated pan, allow to simmer for a few minutes. Do not cook for too long if you see the chicken darkening take off of heat and let sit. It is important that you do not over season or allow chicken to dry out.

– Put Alfredo noodles into the boiling Pot of water. Allow to boil for 10-13 minutes or until desired texture remember to stir a few times. Check up on the noodles every few minutes to make sure not to over cook and have soggy

– Once the noodles are cooked use a strainer to remove water and place noodles back into pot

– Now heat up the Alfredo sauce and pour over noodles, you may add the chicken now into the pot, or later as desired.

– If you purchased garlic bread place into oven or microwave as instructed

Step 6: Set the Table and mood

– The food is almost ready to serve. Put plates out for you and significant other. Also have napkin for each of you, and easy access to more napkins.

– Have beverage poured into a nice glass with a few ice cubes. You may serve whatever beverage you choose. If you have wine or champagne it would add a nice touch. Remember to have an additional glass of water to accompany a wine to quench the thirst

– Turn on a CD of smooth jazz, or lite music. This is not the time and place for ska,rap or rock.

– If you have a dimmer switch do use it and set lighting to preference.

Candles add a great touch of scent and romantic lighting

– Serve food on plates and either have chicken added on top or mixed into the Alfredo already in the pot. I find it works best to add the chicken on top of the noodles for presentation and preference and control of consumption

– Preparation is key remember so place parmesan cheese, salt and pepper on the table as well.

Enjoy each others company, good conversation and a stress free dinner for two. There will be no waits, you can have seconds if you wish and you do not have to tip anybody. There is no worrying about if you should have a second glass of wine. And you can dress for the occasion or not that is your choice. This can be a great surprise for any couple, or a very romantic dinner depending on how much work and time you have to apply to it. There is enough here for 4 hearty servings. If you do not consume the entire meal, simply place into the fridge and enjoy the leftovers. Cooking can be fun, simple and enjoyable. So take the time out to show how much you love one another, the way to a mans or womans heart is through his or her stomach so treat each other right and the only thing you should fight over is who gets the last piece of garlic bread.

Karla News

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