How to Keep Your Vagina Fresh and Clean

Having a clean and fresh vagina is an important factor for many women. Most women do not have a goal to make this area smell like daisies and roses, because honestly, that is highly unrealistic. All humans are made and born to have body odor, whether is it naturally pleasant or not. But, at no time or point in the day should you or others be able to smell that odor through your clothing or when you walk by. There are numerous products on the market that millions of women run to for assistance, but many are left disappointed with the products’ failed efforts and empty guarantees. However, there are a few simple, proven methods to keep you and your womanly areas feeling and smelling fresh around the clock.

Hair Removal
Whether you know it or not, pubic hair definitely picks up odors and carries smells. One simple way to eliminate an odor in this region of your body is to regularly have the hair removed. This can be done through waxing, shaving or using hair removal creams. You should always use caution when using any of these methods. Waxing (professionally or at home) can be painful and even cause swelling and pain if not done correctly or performed too often. When shaving, be sure to use a thick moisturizing agent to soften the skin and hair in the area. Also, be sure not to cut yourself and try to use razors with a soft-grip guide. Purchase hair removal creams with a low-strength and be sure to test a small area of skin in the area before applying to prevent rashes or burns.

Regular Bathing
Simply bathing with a mild antibacterial soap, daily, can be of great assistance in keeping you fresh and clean. Both showers and baths are efficient and are some of the easiest, most simple methods to ensure great hygiene.

Continuous Prevention
According to Dr. Zimmerman of University of Texas Southwestern, the average person urinates approximately six times a day, depending on fluid intake and bladder size. A person with a strong urine odor or one who does not properly clean after urination could have bodily odor issues in their private areas. Cleansing your vagina thoroughly after using the bathroom with toilet tissue could ease these issues. If regular, dry toilet tissue does not seem to help, try using wet toilet tissue wipes.

Common Feminine Products
Even though frequent use is not usually recommended, douching your vagina with a water and vinegar solution could help remove any vaginal secretions that are causing you to have an unpleasant odor. Front runners like Summer’s Eve and FDS make full lines of douching products, even ones with fruity and floral fragrances. Douching products are not recommended because they can disturb your vagina’s natural chemical balance and could bring on infections like BV and also increases the risk of having an ectopic pregnancy. You should discuss douching with your doctor before using it.

During Your Menstrual Cycle
Despite having good hygiene, it can be hard to conceal the smell associated with a menstrual cycle. Reason being, the body is flowing out old, unused fluids and bacteria through your vagina that may not have a pleasant smell. During your period, you should avoid using scented products like tampons, pads or wipes. The chemicals used to scent the products may not mix well with your body’s flow, thus producing a foul odor. Pads and tampons should be changed frequently. Also, if you are used to only taking one bath or shower throughout the day, an extra one might be best during your cycle.

Checking for Infections and Diseases
If you have tried a number of things to prevent feminine odor, and none seem to work, you may need to visit a gynecologist to check for any disorders. Infections like bacterial vaginosis and sexually transmitted diseases could be the cause.

Dr. Zimmerman, “Health News Tips,” UT Southwestern Medical Center

Karla News

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