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How to Keep Mosquitoes Away

Mosquito Trap, Mosquitoes, Prevent Mosquito Bites

Is it correct that you are a person who despises mosquitoes? Do you detest being inflicted with an uncomfortable bite from them? You are not alone. Mosquitoes are a significant and dangerous nuisance that we would all be a lot better off without if they did not exist. Although we are unable to totally eradicate them, there are measures we can incorporate to keep them away from our persons and our properties. You will learn methods you can employ to prevent mosquito bites and keep mosquitoes away.

Are you aware you can solve some problems by eliminating their sources? This applies to mosquitoes. Do you know where mosquitoes like to spend a large amount of their time? Standing water is their favorite hangout. Why is this?

Mosquitoes love to hang around areas that contain water that does not move because those are their breeding grounds. Mosquitoes lay eggs in standing water. It is up to all of us to do our part in reducing the opportunity for mosquitoes to multiply. If you see a puddle, spread it out so that the water will dry up. If there is a container on your property that has water in it, pour the water out, even if it is just a minimal amount. I have read that mosquitoes are able to lay eggs in a teaspoonful of water.

If you see a mosquito, attempt to kill it. If you catch a mosquito in the act of biting you, you have to brush it off before killing it to avoid suffering the fate of a little girl who died several years ago from an infection after she swatted a mosquito that was biting her, causing its saliva to penetrate deeper into her blood.

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Another measure you can incorporate to prevent mosquitoes from biting you is to limit the amount of physical exertion you go through while you are outside. I have read that mosquitoes are more attracted to people who possess a sweaty odor than people who are not sweaty.

You should also consider taking precaution regarding when you are active outdoors. It is said that mosquitoes are most active at dusk, dawn and times of rain.

Consider using protection if you possess the desire to exercise outside. You have the option of wearing a repellent that keeps mosquitoes at bay.

Do everything you can to make your home inaccessible to mosquitoes. One thing you can do for this is to keep your doors and windows closed.

Take steps to make it uncomfortable for mosquitoes to invade your home. I have learned that mosquitoes cannot stand the smell of scented geranium plants.

There are also measures that municipalities can incorporate to get rid of mosquitoes. In the summertime, there is a truck that sprays our neighborhood very late at night to eliminate mosquitoes.

Follow these steps to get rid of mosquitoes.