How to Get Cash Immediately when You have Bad Credit

Financial troubles got you down? Unexpected bills or loss of income can be devastating to a family on a budget. Don’t know where to turn when your pocket is empty and those pesky bill collectors want their money now? Credit shot and the bank won’t help? Where do you turn when all the conventional options for raising funds quickly run out? Does it seem like financial problems are insurmountable? Well, don’t fret, there are plenty of ways to raise cash without taking out a second mortgage on your home or pledging your first born to the bank.

Conventional emergency funds are easy to apply for and oftentimes a quick fix for financial troubles. A payday loan or small personal banking loan may help out short term. If you have a financial emergency, there are many public agencies to turn to as well. Many people frown on welfare assistance out of pride, but these public funds are there to assist persons in a crisis situation. Check with local state agencies for how to apply for rental assistance, utility bill payments, grocery funds, unemployment benefits and other financial assistance options. Many people don’t bother to apply for these because they think they won’t qualify or they seem like a lot of trouble. These programs can give persons instant access to immediate financial dilemmas. Local churches often offer small financial assistance to people who qualify for their programs. For on line assistance check the website. It has an extensive list of government financial assistance based on state or federal program and has an easy search engine that will explain all the qualifications for any type of assistance available. There are many programs for loans, grants and financial assistance that the general public is unaware of.

Charity organizations have many out reach programs available to the public that can help with financial assistance. Though these are quick short term fixes, they help tremendously when in a financial bind due to unexpected income loss or an unexpectedly high bill. These agencies can refer you to places that can help you get assistance for your unique situation.

Loans and grants for special projects are great for persons who already have reasonable financial means and find themselves in a sudden financial emergency. But what about people who don’t qualify for government assistance or have poor credit and don’t qualify for a loan. There are plenty of options for gaining quick cash for the credit deficient individual.

Do you have any special skills? If so, you can use them to make quick and easy cash. There is always a market for none corporate skills in the private sector. You just have to know where to look for your customers. Do you have any fix it skills? If you can use a paint roller or drive a nail, you can earn extra income from picking up low budget fix it up jobs. You can advertise your skills in a number of places. Make up flyers with pull apart tags with your contact info on them and pass them out anywhere that will let you. Many convenience stores, grocery stores and community buildings allow free advertising on their community bulletin boards. You can also place free ads on numerous Internet sites. You can schedule small jobs around your regular job. Some smaller companies hire extra laborers just for specific jobs. Look for listings on places like Craigslist, local area news and trade papers like American Classifieds and the office of Labor and Workforce development. Even if you aren’t a professional handyman, many employers simply need an extra labor hand and will pay reasonably well for unskilled labor and have no problem hiring women as well as men.

Another option is to submit your resume to area temporary services. Most people think that these companies are mainly for long term factory worker positions, but many employers look here for people with the skills they need for a short period of time or for general labor that may be at odd hours or just for the weekend. This type of work is suitable for any level or type of skills. Companies will hire fill in workers for anything from construction labor to secretarial work.

Haven’t been in the work force recently? No need to worry. There is a large untapped market for people with general home making skills. Can you wash laundry, do dishes, iron, cook? Rent out your services to those who need them. Start your own housekeeping company, laundry service or errand running service. This is easy to do and easy to work around any other schedule. You don’t even need a business license to get started. There are a lot of people who need these services but either don’t know how to get them or can’t afford high priced professional company services. Start by canvassing your local area. Pass out flyers or cards with your name and services offered at gas stations, grocery stores, community buildings, local mom and pop diners, even local schools. A good place to look for customers is the local senior citizens center. Often times elderly folks need someone to do small housekeeping for them or run errands. Let local area churches know about your services as well, they often have parishioners that need looking in on and need help with small menial jobs like doing laundry or general cleaning once or twice a week. You can also let people know you are willing to do smaller odd jobs around the home like ironing, cooking a small meal and delivering it, or helping with pets. House-sitting, babysitting or pet sitting can also provide a lucrative income without interfering with a regular work or school schedule.

Don’t want the hassle of advertising for yourself? No problem, look for local housekeeping and home services companies that will hire per contract basis. They may put you on an on call list or contract work out to you that they don’t have time for or consider too small for them. Other places to look for extra work like this are local real estate agents and property management companies. They often hire persons for a one time pre move in cleaning or to clean up rental properties after people have moved out. This can prove to be quite lucrative as if they are happy with the work you do you will gain automatic repeat customers. You can also ask for any property left behind by tenants who have moved out and sell it to salvage companies, consignment shops, or throw it out in your yard for a yard sale.

Speaking of yard sales have you had one lately? Turn your trash into cash! Clean out all that clutter in your garage, attic or storage room. If no one in the house can wear it or has used it in the last 6 months, throw it out in the yard. A good yard sale can generate tons of instant cash. People sometimes turn this into a full time business in the warmer months. Price things reasonably to sell quickly and watch the cash come rolling in.

Have items that are too good for a yard sale? Check with local consignment shops for placement of your items there. Sell them on the Internet. E bay isn’t the only auction sale site around. There are tons of free advertising auction and sale websites out there, just check groups or Google for free auction sites. Sell items out right in local newspaper classifieds for a low fee. People who are looking for a good deal or need an item quickly will look here first. Make sure to find out what the item is worth before you sell it that way you get the best price. Collector items like old toys, dolls and vinyl record albums earn a pretty penny from serious collectors. Instead of pawning jewelry, sell it to an independent purchaser or a jewelry shop that bargains for used items.

Can you fix electrical things? Start your own second hand sales company. Many people are willing to literally give away electrical items and appliances that don’t work. They simply discard them and get a new one. This is easy pickings for the mechanically inclined. You can also offer fix it services and charge a small fee to fix items for people. Old refrigerators, washers, dryers, televisions, DVD players etc. Most of the time these items are just old and have minor problems that can be fixed for less than twenty dollars. Sometimes there is nothing at all wrong, the owner just upgraded to a newer model. You can look for items like this being given away on any recycling site like yahoo groups,, or Craigslist. Pick up for free, fix and resell for low cost. If you can’t fix it but know someone who can, offer to split the profit with them if they will fix it for you. Don’t worry about getting stuck with an item, if it seems like it’s taking too long to sell, take it to a home salvage company, they will buy it though it may not be for as much as you’d like, you still make a small profit.

Do you own a truck, large van, an SUV, a trailer or other vehicle you can haul things in? Offer your services as moving transport, hauling or junk cleanup. Put your vehicle to work for you by selling scrap metal to the local recycling place. Rent out your vehicle to move furniture, deliver appliances or haul away trash. Always include the price of gas in your fee charge. Many people that do this offer to haul away metal scraps for free and charge gas plus dump plus a little extra to haul away other debris. Good places to look for scrap metal for resale are local auto body shops. They often have tons of left over scrap metal just begging to be hauled away.

Are you a great shade tree mechanic? Make an easy turn over profit by buying cars with minor problems and fixing them and reselling them to double your profit. If you don’t want the hassle of buying cars and parts, offer your mechanical services to local small mechanic shops. Independent owners often have a need for a spare hand when they get overloaded with work and will pay generously for a skilled mechanic to help them out. Some will even refer small jobs to someone they know can do the work when they don’t have time to do them.

Do you have extra space in your garage? Charge a small rental fee to store someone’s boat, motorcycle or other vehicle in your garage. If you have a large garage you can rent out a space for local area residents to come and do small repairs on their vehicles. People will love this option as opposed to paying a large storage area fee or renting a space in an auto garage that is open late, closed early and often a fair distance from their residence.

Do you live in a rural area or have a huge yard not really being used? Rent out garden plots. Many people want to garden but have no where to do it. Advertise small plots for a small fee and lay out reasonable rules for people to use the land you aren’t using. Speaking of gardening. Do you raise fruits or vegetables? If you often have a surplus of garden vegetables, these are in high demand. Advertise your produce for a reasonable fee and make those extra tomatoes pay off before they go bad. Flower clippings are also of interest to the gardening community. If you raise flowers, advertise clippings for transplant for a small fee. Many people don’t mind paying a reasonable price for bulbs, seedlings or clippings for their own gardens and yards. Maybe you have a small piece of land you would like cleared? Charge a small fee for people to cut down and haul off their own wood. This clears your land and people will pay a small fee to avoid the huge prices for a rick of wood that most places sell.

Look for barter and trade deals. Maybe you have a car that needs repairs but you can’t afford an auto shop? Offer to trade someone who can for an item of equal value or services you can do. Many people are willing to trade reasonable services for items or other services of equal value. You can find places to barter for services on the Internet, advertise on local community boards and by word of mouth. The more people you tell, the more likely you will find what your looking for.

Do you have any hobbies? Folk crafting can earn tons of extra cash in the right venue. Sewing is a service in high demand. If you can sew or quilt, advertise your services or sell hand sewn craft items at local flea markets, over the Internet or at fairs. Often times you can rent a booth at a local fair or craft market for a small fee per day and rack up cash on popular craft items like hand made dolls, folk craft items and quilts or baby blankets. Many areas have annual craft fairs where people can display their wares. Wood working crafts are also great items to sell. Photography can turn into a full time profession with the right incentive. Leather working, bead working, hand made jewelry are all in high demand. Many small retail shops will allow you to sell your wares for a small fee, advertise at no cost and if the items prove popular, buy them from you wholesale or special order. Some good places to look for business like this include motorcycle hobbyist shops, specialty shops, second hand stores that are not charity based and local independently owned convenience stores or gas stations.

Do you own a lawn mower? Get out there and do some yard work! Advertise your lawn mowing service. The more yard tools you have, the more money you can make. If you are a yard enthusiast, you can offer mulching, pruning, flower bedding, transplanting, mowing and weed eating services for a reasonable fee. If you are a landscaping expert, let people know about it. Many people just want a few odd things done in the yard and will pay for services that large landscaping companies ask too much for or are not willing to do without adding other services that the customer does not want. Advertise just about anywhere. A good lawn maintenance person will generate easy repeat business. You don’t have to limit yourself to neighbors yards either. Many small businesses will pay reasonable prices for repeat lawn upkeep such as family owned diners, independently owned gas stations and retail shops, privately owned nursing homes, real estate companies, property management and maintenance companies etc. A few simple phone calls offering your services should get you started on this enterprising endeavor.

Kids moved out? Rent out that extra room. If you have a basement or loft in your garage, turn it into a small apartment and rent it out. Make sure and do a background check and lay down the rules with a signed lease for prospective tenants. You can get a criminal background check for just a few dollars at the local police station or court house. College students are especially in need of a nice place to rent on a low cost budget. You can furnish the room for free by picking up items advertised on local recycling sites, or for low cost at garage sales and thrift stores. Most of the time all you need is a for rent sign to advertise efficiently.

With a little imagination and a little more motivation there are a million ways to make extra cash. Think outside the box and don’t be afraid to experiment with what you come up with. When conventional loans and pay day advances fail, use your own resources to make your ingenuity pay off.

Karla News

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