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How to Get a Professional Look with Home Hair Color

Home Hair Color

I know most women enjoy the pampering we get when having our hair done at a salon. However, when more and more gray creeps in, you can go broke having a professional dye job done every 6 weeks. Here’s a few hints to do it yourself and still get excellent results.

#1-Get a Brand that Gives you Good Quality Gloves in the Box
I highly recommend this. If you get a brand with no gloves, you will regret it immediately after you’ve begun. Pay a dollar or two more and get nice, flexible gloves. They will come in handy in more ways than one.

#2-Read the Directions-Before and After you Buy
It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the product and its particular warnings. In fact, you should read everything on the outside of the box before you buy. Be sure it says “Permanent” if that’s what you want. Non-permanent or Semi-permanent will not last as long, but they are gentler mixtures. Also, I need a high peroxide level to get the color I like. You might not need that. It will spare your nose and family’s senses if you can do without ammonia or a high peroxide level.

A nice, gentle mixture is “Clairol’s Natural Instincts” with aloe, chamomile and ginseng. Pay attention to the color stripes on the outside of the box when picking a color. There are color guides on the side. Remember, if your current color is dark brown or black, you will not be able to change instantly into a light blonde color at home. Besides, drastic changes are not recommended, unless your intent is to shock a little with blue or orange.

See also  Homemade Hair Dyes

#3-Do I Have to Do A Test Stand?
If you have used hair dye before with no ill result, you shouldn’t have to do this. However, if you are a highly allergic person, or have never tried hair dyes, I would recommend following the directions for the test strand.

#4-Do Proper Prep
Be sure you have some time to yourself. Timing is very important. Shut off your cell phone or other distraction during the mixing and application stages. The bathroom is a good place to work. Be sure the shower or the sink will be available to you when your time is up and you need to rinse out. Wear a smock or towel that you will not care about if it does get stained. Have toilet paper or kleenex at the ready to mop up spills immediately on the sink, surface or your body.

It is usually recommended that you do not wash your hair right before you color. I agree. Wait at least one day in between. If you accidentaly scratch yourself while washing, the harsher chemicals can burn a little. Also, open the bathroom window a little if you can for air flow.

#5-Use a Mixing Bowl and Brush like the Pros Do
These are the absolute key ingrediants for getting a more professional looking color. Instead of pouring the color bottle into the “mixing” bottle, pour the color and mixing creams/fluids into a small plastic bowl. I have one that is bottom heavy that is perfect. Use a medium makeup brush (any brand will do- but not too cheap) to mix them together by hand in the bowl. When well-mixed, use the thin end of the makeup brush to separate and part your hair. Dip the bushy end of the brush into the mix and apply to roots and around your face first. The mixture will adhere easily to the brush and you get great control over where the dye is going. Just separate about every two inches, as if you were making another part.

See also  Brazilian Keratin Treatments - Can You Dye Your Hair?

#6-Grey Hair Does Need More Time
It is true, you will need to leave the dye on the grey longer than the rest. For me, it’s on the sides. So do those darn grey hairs first! Then the roots. Then simply scoop up the remaining mix into your gloved hands and mix it gently onto remaining hair. You can comb through if you want to, but it isn’t necessary. If you have medium length hair, pile it up on top and wait the recommended time.

#7-Rinse Immediately When Your Time is Up
This sounds logical, but if you wait too long, the mixture can dry up and is tougher to rinse out. Rinse thoroughly with warm (not hot) water. I usually do this in the shower. You can do it in the sink, but the shower is just easier, and I know I won’t get any dye on a surface that it can’t be cleaned off of.

#8-Use the Conditioner that Comes with the Box
You definitely want to use the conditioner immediately after rinsing out the color. The act of coloring your hair does damage to it. So condition liberally. And yes – it is true that if you condition regularly, the color will last a little longer, and will look shinier.

#9-Wait 24 Hours to Wash
I have found this caution worth following as well. If you wait at least 24 hours after coloring to wash your hair, the color will be more “set” and not wash out as easily.

Two more cautions. Long hair can be more difficult to color. You can still try it, but be prepared for it to take longer and you will want a friend to help out. Second, If you are dying to a dark color, be sure that you have rinsed out all the excess color. Otherwise the next morning you may wake up with strangely colored pillowcases!