Categories: Decorating & Design

How to Decorate an Office Kitchen

Sitting in an office kitchen that has not been decorated, you look around thinking what kind of people work here. The kitchen has no personality or life. The last time it was painted had to be the early 80’s. The color is a workable yellow if everyone would agree to let you decorate it. How can you decorate an office kitchen to suit everyone’s tastes and look professional?

The first thing that you need to do before you decorate the office kitchen is to consider who “sees” the kitchen. If the kitchen is for a professional office staff and only for the employees, then the office can be decorated any way you see fit. If the office kitchen is for a construction firm and clients see the kitchen, the kitchen should be designed to help sell construction work. If the kitchen is an office kitchen for a company that sales kitchen cabinets the kitchen should showcase the best line of cabinets.

Once it has been determined who sees the office kitchen, then the decorations of the office kitchen can be planned. You can break the kitchen into two types – an office kitchen for staff only or an office kitchen clients will see. Here are some decorating suggestions for staff only office kitchen and for an office kitchen clients see.

Decorating an office kitchen clients will see

When decorating an office kitchen clients will see, small details are important. The kitchen will need to look its best at all time. The kitchen cannot look clutter. It is important to make the kitchen sale your company’s product. In order for that to happen the kitchen must look like a “model” home design.

Paper towel holder – In a kitchen that clients will see, it is best not to have paper towels laying out where they can be seen. If paper towels are a necessary evil, it may be best to have a paper towel holder, so the paper towel rolls don’t wind up on the countertops.

Dish towel holder – If there are only a few people that utilize the kitchen, a dish towel might be better than a paper towels. Remember to change the dish towels out and keep bright, decorative towels in the kitchen for clients to see.

Trashcan – A trashcan is an evil necessity in any kitchen. Keep disinfectants and deodorizers nearby. The trashcan should be in the design of the kitchen to sell your clients on your company’s kitchen design. The trashcan can either be in a cabinet or a cabinet can specifically be designed to hold a trashcan. It may be beneficial to make a stationary trashcan that is attached to sliders in a cabinet. This design helps to keep the kitchen uncluttered.

Coffee maker – Most kitchens are going to need a coffee maker. The office kitchen clients will see should have fresh coffee for the guests to drink. The coffee maker can either be put away until used or have it on the counter so the clients can see what the kitchen looks like with appliances.

Coffee mugs – Coffee mugs are a necessity, especially when offering coffee to your clients. An office kitchen that clients will see should have somewhere that the coffee mugs or other cups would go. The cabinets could either have shelves that the coffee mugs can set on or special holders for each coffee mug.

Plaques or Awards – Areas that the clients see should boast credentials or awards that the company has won. If the kitchen area is going to be on display, it is best to display plaques or awards that have been won by the company. It shows clients teamwork and pride in the company.

Paint – Paint in an office kitchen that clients will see should be a neutral color unless the company is looking for a shock factor with bold colors. The paint should be a semi gloss paint that is easy to clean.

Decorating an office kitchen for employees only

Colors – When decorating an office kitchen for employees only, you can do anything with paint colors. It’s best to choose a color that is male and female friendly if men will be utilizing the kitchen area.

Photo board – Most time is spent at work. Employees may want to show off their family or if the employees do things together pictures should be hung.

Message board – It is good to have a message board to let employees know what is happening in the community or if employees have something to share. The message board could be “for sale” items, giveaways, rentals, or community happenings. This is a good way to make everyone feel connected.

Employee recognitions – Employee recognitions boost confidence and moral. An office kitchen is a great place to hang employee recognitions. The employees will feel part of a team and proud knowing everyone sees their accomplishments.

Paper towels – Paper towels in the employee only kitchen do not need to be on paper towel holders. If you want a paper towel holder you can buy a decorative one or an inexpensive one that can hang on the wall on underneath cabinets.

When decorating an office kitchen it is important to try to consider everyone’s feelings. It is also important to know who you are decorating the office kitchen for. If you are unsure the uses of the office kitchen, you may want to ask the owner or manager. Happy decorating.

Karla News

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