Karla News

How to Deal with Your Spouse’s Snoring


Snoring is something that millions of Americans have to deal with on a regular basis, some every single night. There are many causes and just as many “cures”. Over the last thirteen years I have tolerated my husband’s very loud snoring. Over those same thriteen years we have tried many different tricks and products to help stop his snoring. Here are a few of these tricks and products that I have used and have found to help deal with your husband’s snoring.

Nasal Strips- I’m sure that you have seen these advertised on television and/or seen them on the shelves in your favorite drug store. I’ve talked to many people who say that these strips do not work for them but I still had to try them out for my husband’s snoring. The thing about the nasal strips is that you stick them over the bridge of your nose and they are kind of spring loaded so they pull the nostrils open a little bit more. This is suppose to help with air flow, which in turn is suppose to help reduce snoring. I tried a name brand and a store brand and it turned out that the store brand nasal strips worked much better on my husband’s snoring than the more expensive name brand. So if you try these you might want to try another brand if the first brand does not work on your snoring problem.

Decongestant- Snoring can be caused by sinus drainage and/or illnesses. So taking a decongestant could help greatly to reduce your’s or your husband’s snoring problems. My husband has sinus troubles in the spring and autumn so he has to take a decongestant on a regular basis in order for either one of us to get a good night’s sleep.

Air Temperature- The air temperature in your home could have an effect on your sleeping habits as well as how much you and your husband snore. Aire temperature should be cooler at night than you keep it during the day. We like to keep our home about three degrees cooler at night than we do during the day. If it’s too warm in the house it really messes up our good nights sleep. My husband snores a lot more if he is hot and sweaty rather than if he is cool and comfortable. So try lower your air temperature if you have a problem with snoring and see if that helps.

Humidifier- Having a humidifier running at night may also help with your husband’s snoring problem. If the air is too dry then the nasal and throat passages can get dried out and that in turn can make snoring worse. This is one of my own problems in the summertime. If my throat gets too dry then I will certainly start snoring. If you don’t have a humidifier or just don’t want to run one at night then I suggest to always have a nice big glass of water on your bedside table. This way if you wake up with a dry throat you can quickly find relief in that glass of water and possibly help with your snoring.

Throat Sprays- There are many throat sprays on the market that are there to help you with your snoring problem but I have found that regular throat sprays, like Chloroseptic, work just as well as their over priced counterparts. Products like Chloroseptic are generally used for sore throats but if you have ever used them you know that they numb your throat very well. I have found that if my husband uses this spray before bed it helps to keep him from snoring for a very long time. Definitely long enough for me to go to sleep in peace and quiet.

Sleep Position- Your husband’s sleep position could possibly be contributing to the amount of snoring that he does each night. When people sleep on their backs they are more likely to have snoring problems over the people who sleep on their sides or stomachs. When you sleep on your back it can cause your airway to become blocked and forces you to snore just to for your body to fight for air. So try sleeping on your side and see if that helps. I always have to poke my husband at night and make him roll over. Usually he complies and never even knew I poked him.

Doctor Visit- If all else fails then it might be time to seek advice from your own doctor. On occassion there can be a medical reason behind someone’s snoring. So if you can not find a good home remedy to help your snoring problem it is probably best to seek help from a healthcare professional.

While these tricks may not work for everyone’s snoring, I do hope that they can help someone get through their nights a little more peacefully. It’s hard to sleep with a snorer, especially if they are a loud snorer. My husband still has nights where nothing works but thankfully those are few and far between now that I have figured out what triggers his snoring most often. Everyone has different triggers and causes. Some are easy to take care of and others will require medical help to improve. Good luck and sweet dreams!