How to Create a Faux Brick Interior Wall with Spackle

Creating a faux brick wall inside your home is so easy if you use affordable dry wall Spackle from the home improvement store. I have wanted a faux brick wall inside my home that looks real, but did not require me to lug in a ton of brick tiles or brick sheeting.

This faux brick wall project is easy to do, but you should plan on a whole weekend of work because of drying time!

To Make a Faux Brick Wall With Spackle You Will Need:




Painter’s Tape

Textured ceiling roller



To get started you need to use a chalk line and a level to mark off lines on your wall. Space these about four inches apart, or about the height of a regular old brick.

Now, I like to mark off the vertical lines of the bricks as well. Use a ruler and mark off every 8 inches. Be sure to stagger the bricks.

Now, on to creating the three dimensional qualities of your faux brick textured wall. You have a choice on how you want to make the brick grout lines.

If you want to use painter’s tape, then use a ¼ inch thick tape. Tap across each of the lines you drew.

Now, start to apply the Spackle with a trowel. It should be about 1/8 to ¼ inch thick. Work on two rows, and then start removing the tape. Clean up any edges with the trowel.

You other options is to simply spread the Spackle on your wall, working in rows again. Now, take the ruler and use the edge of it to create the grout lines. While the Spackle is wet it will easily move. You can again clean edges and work the Spackle with the trowel.

Now, finish this whole process on your wall.

Let the first later of Spackle dry. Once this layer has dried you will need more Spackle and a textures ceiling roller to finish of the texture on your faux brick wall.

Roll the textured ceiling paint roller in the Spackle. Now, roll it over the dried faux brick wall. This will create the texture of a real brick.

Once the faux brick wall is given texture, you need to let it dry.

Now, prime the wall out in a primer that has been tinted the color of grout. Once the primer dries on your textured faux brick wall you can start painting in the bricks.

Use red paint, tan paint and black paint. Put each in their own paint tray. Dab a sponge in the red paint and start applying it to the bricks, avoiding the grout.

Now, while that paint is wet, dab on some tan and black to create more depth on yoru faux brick wall!


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