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How to Clean Up Dog Vomit on a Couch

Natural Cleaning Solutions, Odor Removal

Finding dog vomit on a couch is a nightmare, but it happens. Initially it can seem like an overwhelming mess to clean up, and it is difficult to even know where to begin. It might seem impossible to clean before getting started, but it is possible to get rid of the mess as well as the odor in a few easy steps. Best of all, it is not necessary to use expensive pet stain and odor removal products.

Spray-on fabric fresheners used to neutralize the odor of dog vomit or any other odor really do not clean or wash anything. If the source of the odor remains on the couch, this fast and easy fix will not work for any length of time. If scented products are used in an attempt to cover up the odor of dog vomit, the couch will smell like the product and dog vomit instead of clean fresh fabric. Use natural baking soda instead. Along with a few additional cleaning accessories, baking soda will work to clean up and refresh the fabric, and it will completely get rid of the putrid smell.

Precautionary Statement

Consult the fabric label on the couch for cleaning instructions before proceeding. When in doubt, contact a professional to clean up dog vomit on the couch instead of using the following instructions.

Necessary Supplies to Clean Up Dog Vomit

To clean up dog vomit on a couch you will need a roll of absorbent paper towels, a bucket of cool clear water, a soft white rag, a small box of baking soda, and a vacuum cleaner with a hose and brush attachment. Thin rubber gloves used for cleaning are also a good idea as well as a lined wastepaper basket to hold the mess while completing the cleaning process. The procedure might have to be repeated, and for an extra-large mess on the couch, a second box of baking soda will be necessary.

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How to Clean and Deodorize the Couch

Begin by using paper towels to pick up all of the solid dog vomit on the couch. It will probably take several paper towels, but this is a very important step. Using a wet rag at this point will simply rub the mess into the couch fabric instead of pulling it out.

Once all of the solid dog vomit has been removed, use dry paper towels to blot the wet area. This will also take several paper towels. It might even take an entire roll, but this is also an essential step when attempting to clean up dog vomit on a couch. Once the dog vomit has soaked into the couch fabric and cushioning, if it is not extracted it will become impossible to fully clean up, and traces of the odor will remain.

After blotting the couch fabric with enough pressure to pull out all of the moisture left behind by the dog vomit, wet a clean soft white rag with clear water, and liberally blot the fabric. This will help dilute any remaining dog vomit within the fibers of the couch fabric. Repeat the blotting process with paper towels to pull out the clear water, and repeat this step as many times as necessary to sufficiently remove moisture left behind by the dog vomit and clear water.

Next, cover the wet areas of the couch with a generous amount of baking soda. The baking soda should be left undisturbed overnight or until it begins to dry and crack. It will work to pull out any remaining dog vomit and the odor that accompanies it.

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Lastly, vacuum away the dry baking soda using a hose and brush attachment. Use a clean dry rag to brush off any remaining baking soda. The couch should not be stained by the dog vomit, and if the steps were followed properly, it should also smell clean and fresh.