Categories: Beauty

How to Choose the Most Natural Wig for You

How many times have you seen an attractive woman whose hairstyle looked a little “off” for her face? Many women make the mistake of selecting gorgeous wigs that simply do not compliment their looks. Some wigs which look simply beautiful on the mannequin, suddenly look “silly” and artificial when placed on the head of a willing human.

Wigs are becoming all the rage amongst women who wish to instantly change their looks. They are the perfect accessory for the woman who is thinking of trying out a new haircut, or weaved hairstyle. But no matter where you purchase your wig, if you want to achieve the most natural look, it’s imperative that you really understand the look you’re going for, and shop accordingly. Thus, here’s a little guide to choosing the best, most natural-looking wig for you.


First and foremost, before covering your head with any wig, make sure that your own tresses are clean and pulled neatly (and comfortably) away from the face, as close to the head as possible. Many women choose to wear a wig cap underneath their wigs for this just purpose. Wearing a cap underneath is really a personal decision. But they are traditionally used to help keep your own hair from breaking due to friction between the wig and your hair (especially if worn daily.) Additionally, if your natural hair is fairly long, you will want to keep it easily away from your artificial style. In essence, once applied, your wig should be free of the lumps and bumps of natural hair which has not been smoothed down.


You should pay particular attention to the shape of your face, as well as your skin tone, when shopping for wigs. As with natural hair, some styles and haircuts do not work well with certain facial shapes. For instance, those with round or wide faces should opt for styles which elongate the face. A huge “bouiffant” of a hairdo may cause the wig to look more artificial than it already is. Try more lengthy styles which gently frame the face. People with heavy jawlines, should opt for styles which draw the eye upward, providing volume. The lucky ones are those with naturally oval-shaped faces, as this shape is complimented by a variety of styles.


The beauty of wearing wigs is that one can experiment with a variety of hair textures much unlike her own natural texture. This is especially important for African American women, who are known for their extreme variations in hair texture. One popular faux pas committed by lots of African American women is wearing a wig unit with hair that looks too brassy. These are the wigs that are so shiny, you feel as if you can see your reflection in them. Black women who are typically seen wearing relaxed hairstyles should take note of the texture of their natural hair after the relaxing process. Try to locate a grade of [wig] hair that most closely matches your own texture. That way, when you transition from a relaxed do, to a wig—the difference will appear minimal. If you’ve happened to find a style that you love, but looks a little too shiny, then just dust a little baby powder in the style and shake (until the powder is gone). This will take away some of that gleam, making the hair appear more natural.

Lace front wigs are excellent choices for those who are looking to find a really seamless style, as the hairlines of these wigs are virtually invisible. Be mindful though, of curlier textures. Curls which look a little too perfect will certainly give off an artificial look. When shopping for wigs, practice finger-combing the curls for a naturally tousled look; your overall style will appear much more like your own.


Now this is where things get a little hairy (pun intended). While the point of wearing a wig may be to achieve a look completely opposite of your natural ‘do, you may find that the style you choose can fool even the most discerning observers. Many black women transitioning from a braided style to a relaxer, may opt to wear a wig in between. Try finding wigs whose colors match your braided style. It’s less “shocking” if you happen to work in a conservative environment. Also wearing wigs with similar textures, colors, and lengths, but varying styles, will give the appearance that you are simply changing the style of your natural hair. Case in point, check out former Victoria’s Secret model, Tyra Banks. She is most frequently seen wearing very long, honey-colored lace-front wigs. In fact, you’ll notice that many of the styles Tyra wears are fairly similar in color, and length. By wearing many different styles of the same texture and color, Tyra has created her very own look, without compromising the health of her hair underneath.

The bottom line in choosing a wig, is that you want people seeing you to think that the hair they’re seeing could have grown out of your scalp. Part of that involves not only finding a style that works, but also the right fit. Make sure that the wig’s adhesive combs, straps, or ties are securely tucked away and out of sight. Do the head-shake test (shaking your head quickly from side to side, backwards and forwards) once you’ve applied your favorite style—to determine whether the fit is secure. The last thing you’d want, is to have your prized ‘do blowing off your head, and into the wind!


Karla News

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