How to Become a Webcam Model

So you want to be a webcam model, huh? Maybe you are not sure and just want to find out more information. Either way, you have come to the right place! This article will tell you how you can become an online webcam model, making cash amounts that many only dream about. Yes, you can make some SERIOUS cash with webcam modeling, but we will get into that soon.

I. What is webcam modeling
II. Why you should be a webcam model
III. Requirements
IV. Pay
V. Studios and cam sites
VI. The decision

I. What is webcam modeling
Webcam modeling is basically the online version of video pornography, except for the fact that people are watching what you do LIVE. The typical webcam performer will dress herself up in sexy clothing, put on some pretty makeup, sit down and talk with a few potential customers, then when she is taken into private, she will perform sexual acts for the customer. That’s where the term webcam actress comes from. During private chat, the performer will do as the customer requests and be paid for her acting. Keep in mind that males can also be webcam models too, but females are definitely the majority of the sexes.

II. Why you should be a webcam model
There are many advantages to becoming a webcam model. You get to set your own hours, work from the comfort and privacy of your home, show off your sexy self, and make more money than you ever thought possible! Being a webcam model will not only free you from financial woes, but it will boost your self-confidence through the roof! You will be complimented and basically worshiped by all of your customers. It makes for a great job.

III. Requirements
To be eligible to be a webcam model, you must be at least 18 years of age or older, have a high-speed Internet connection, own or have access to a good quality web camera, and be open-minded. Webcam models must be open-minded because you will be faced with all types of people with all types of fetishes/sexual fantasies. You must know how to “work it” and keep the customer coming back. If you cannot handle people talking dirty to you or making rude comments at times, you will not make it as a webcam model.

IV. Pay
Webcam models make tons of cash, no joke! If you are willing to do this job it will pay you 10 times more than any other online job would. Not only can you make multiple dollars a minute, but some sites even have a tip system where the customer can tip you along with paying for private sessions! That way you will earn more cash and get to your minimum payout faster.

Speaking of minimum payouts, both studios and cam sites have them. You must make a certain amount of money to be able to request your money, but there are a few sites that have their minimum set very low. So really, this is your best bet if you are in need of emergency cash and are willing to show some skin to pay your bills. The average cam model makes anywhere from $40-$120 an hour!

V. Studios and cam sites
I will start off by explaining what a studio for webcam models is. No, it is not an actual place where you go in and work. Some people may do that, but most will not. A studio basically gets paid to promote you and recruit new models. Any new model that is registered on a site through a studio will earn that studio some major cash. Studios will receive a percentage of the earnings the model makes while webcam modeling. It is not a bad thing to work through a studio because some will promote you for free (which means more ca$h), but they do get to take a cut out of your earnings and control how much money you end up with. Some studios will rip you off and some will be generous.

Why you should work directly with a site instead of a studio (this is only my opinion).
After experiencing some bad studios that always lagged on paying and cut way to much pay, I decided to give direct modeling a go. I found a few sites, experimented with them, and finally found the one I wanted to stick with. Overall, it has been a great experience and I am making a lot more money than I was at first (by the way, there are links to reliable cam sites at the end of this article). If at all possible, stick to direct modeling for a site unless you feel that a studio is the right choice for you.

VI. The decision
Here is where it gets somewhat hard. After thoroughly reading all of the above, you might have a slight idea of what you want to do. It’s OK if you don’t. Take some time and figure out what will personally work best for you.

If you have chosen to work through a studio, I suggest you check out Havyn Studios. They have a high 60% payout and always pay on time. They were the last studio I worked with and I received nothing but good support from them.

You should check out the Internet Modeling site, too. I now currently work for them. You get paid once per week and there is no minimum payout! How awesome is that?

No matter what you choose, I wish you luck and I hope that you find the right thing that suits you. Thanks for reading!

Karla News

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