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How to Be a Successful Escort in Second Life

Oh put your judgements aside! Believe it or not, the best way to make fast cash in Second Life is the sex trade. While there is real money to be made long term in other professions, the fact is that cartoon sex sells, and if men want to be ridiculous and pay for cartoon sex, I will gladly take their money. They clearly don’t deserve to have it. When I was new to second life, I made alot of money very quickly in the sex trade industry and so can you…at least until you have enough “in world” experience to understand how to build things, and to make a profit selling those things. I have largely moved past that portion of my Second Life experience. nonetheless, I recommend it for “newbs”, as it teaches you alot, and gives you money quickly for things like land, building lessons, and other sorts of things you may wish to purchase moving forward.

There are some basic pieces of equipment you will want to get ahold of as soon as humanly cartoonly, possible as they will be expected of any escort in Second Life.

1) Hair- The horrible 80’s mullet that comes with your 2nd life avatar simple will not do! My recommendation for hair is to use the Second Life search engine to look up Calla. The Creator… I believe her name is Tigerlily has an unbelievable collection of high quality hair for reasonable prices.

2) Skin- The best investment you can make in Secondlife is in your skin. it’s what sets apart the $10 hooker and the $1000 hooker. You can spend thousands on a skin, but there is really no need. I have made millions of linden dollars in Second Life wearing a nice skin from DragonFly Designs. You can find them in the Secondlife search engine. DragonFly skins run about $500L

3)”parts”- Yes, believe it or not, you are going to need scripted genitals. While Play Sexy, by Nicholas Bauer seems to have the most developed male and female genital options, the Secondlife standard for genitals is Xcite. In fact, the name Xcite, has become as synonymous in Second Life with required sex organs as the names Comet or Ajax have become with Scouring powder. Buy them as soon as you can. I cannot tell you the names of the pieces I have as I am already pushing the envelope by offering this article to AC, but rest assured, if you visit the Xcite Store on Eventide, you will know what to purchase.

Once you have those things in place, you will need a few more things to be a successful escort in Second Life. First and foremost, you will need a place or some places to play. Secondlife is chock full of sex motels at a low rate. My hotel, LuvRags runs $100 per hour, but there are hundreds of such hotels in Secondlife. many of the men you will meet will have thier own sex toys in thier “homes. They often prefer action in thier location. Unlike real life, you are perfectly safe going home with a stranger in Second Life. Take advantage of his offerings. You may see a toy you want for yourself. many brothels in Secondlife come with playpens included, but I caution all escorts against using brothels. They give you precious little that you can’t get yourself and they take money out of your pocket from every jon. it’s not worth it. it’s better to be a freelancer. Trust me!

You will also want some places to hang out looking for guys. Escort Depot on Topaz and Escorts Unlimited are good places to hang out and to purchase advertising space. Also, you will want to get ahold of Todd Camden to join the Escort Marketing Alliance. It’s free… and worth every penny. Other good places to hang out are in Amsterdam and in front of the Xcite store. Do yourself a favor though: Scan the profiles of all of the guys you approach to make sure they have payment info on file with Second Life. If they don’t more than likley they can’t afford you!

The final two things you will need to be successful in Secondlife are a vivid imagination and a basic knowledge of the four rules of selling to men for women. I will give you the four rules here, and if you wish to know more about the four rules, feel free to contact me in world (In Second Life) and I will be more than happy to expound. You may not instantly agree with the four rules, but trust me: Despite protests to the contrary, they are all on target. I may expound in a later article, but for now here is the base of what you need to know:

1) Men cannot abide a damsel in distress if it is in his power to save her.
2) When faced with a problem that he knows how to solve, a man’s instinct is to solve it. It is part of his fulfillment regiment.
3) Despite protests to the contrary, men love women who call them (playfully) on thier B***S**T.
4) Men do what they are told to do, not what they are asked to do.

If you know those 4 things to your core, you cannot help but succeed when selling to men. Sorry guys, but it’s true. One more note and I will end this little lesson on how to be a successful escort in SecondLife:

Whatever you do, make sure that your body parts are sized appropriately. The quickest way to arouse suspicion that you may be a guy instead of the lovely lady you are, is to get the parts wrong. it’s okay not to have the biggest boobs that Second Life will allow. if they are too, big, they do look wierd… especially on avatars. not only that, but if you do decide to go with huge bazongas in second life, make sure they have gravity! If your boobs are bigger than your head ladies, the fact is they absolutely should be situated closer to your waist than your chin. It’s one of the prices of being well endowed. If you try to defy the laws of physics in secondlife, most men will simply assume you are a guy in a girl’s avatar, and you won’t make money. iif on the other hand, you follow my advice in this article, there is no reason you shouldn’t average $2000L per “date” in very short order in Second Life. Happy Linden hunting!

Karla News

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