Categories: Movies

How Did Brittany Murphy Die?

How did Brittany Murphy Die?

News Reports are Hitting the Internet that Brittany Murphy is Dead

The news is quickly hitting the internet that film actress Brittany Murphy is dead. They are saying that she died early in the morning of December 20th, 2009. She was a film actress that has starred in several films. A few of which is the recently released on the SyFy chanel Mega Fault, Tribute (A Lifetime Movie based on the Nora Roberts book of the same name), Just Married with Ashton Kutcher, Girl Interrupted, Sin City, Uptown Girl and Clueless.

Brittany Murphy was born November 10th, 1977. She was only 32 years old. She follows a slew of other famous names that died during 2009.

The question that most of her fans are searching for right now is how did Brittany Murphy die? She was 32 years old, no news reports had said she had any bad health problems that would lead you to think she’d die soon so it’s surprising to her fans.

TMZ who first reported her death says that she died after she went into full cardiac arrest and was not able to be revived. Apparently a 911 call was made from her home around 8 in the morning of December 20th from the home that belongs to Brittany’s husband, Simon Monjack. Brittany Murphy was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center but was pronounced DOA.

New news released to TMZ is that Brittany Murphy’s mother is the one who discovered her unconscious in the shower and when paramedics got to the home, they made the determination that Brittany was in full caradic arrest and administered CPR on site and on the way to the hospital but it was done in vain as Brittany Murphy was dead when they arrived. She was officially pronounced dead at 10:04 AM.

Brittany Murphy’s publicist, Nicole Perna releated a statement saying “In this time of sadness, the family thanks you for your love and support, It is their wish that you respect their privacy.”

The Huffington Post reports that Brittany Murphy was recently in the news as her husband Simon Monkack (who she married in 2007) had a health scare not long back and had to go to the hospital. She also made the news when she was fired from the upcoming movie called “The Caller” on bad terms.

Other stars have been making comments on Twitter about her death, according to CNN Entertainment. Ashton Kutcher tweeted “2day the world lost a little piece of sunshine. My deepest condolences go out 2 Brittany’s family, her husband, & her amazing mother Sharon,” and Jessica Simpson posted “Brittany Murphy was an incredible ray of Light to so many people. Her smile was contagious. My prayers are with her family and loved ones.”

Throughout her career, people have accused Britney of having an eating disorder and using drugs. She denied both claims but if either one were true, it could have lead to stress on her body which can cause cardiac arrest. No one will really know how or why she died until a medical examiner has examined the body and made a report.

More news to follow.

News Sources:


Huffington Post:

CNN Entertainment:

Karla News

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