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How Chamomile Tea Can Help Canker Soars

Chamomile Tea

I know there are a lot of you out there like me; suffering from regular canker soars inside the mouth. About a month ago, I finally got tired of these annoying ulcers reoccurring and I decided to go to the doctor’s office about it. Upon my visit, I informed the doctor that I did not like Western Medicine. The doctor, clearly realizing that there was no argument in my head, provided me with a valuable solution to my problem. He offered up chamomile tea. This article will provide readers with a reasonable solution to canker soars, which typically last up to a week. The method my doctor suggested to me is both safe and reliable!

Canker soars, as many of you know are quite painful. According to my doctor, they are not in anyway harmful to the human body; they simply just hurt like hell, is almost exactly as he put it. They typically occur on the skin of the mouth or tonsils, which increases their pain because of the sensitivity in these areas. If you are like me, and get them quite regularly from acidic drinks, such as orange juice, then chamomile tea may very well be the answer to your problems. Chamomile tea, according to my doctor, has chemicals inside of it that are broken down when heated. These chemicals are most effective if ingested orally, which will be explained later in this article. My doctor informed me that he has personally used this method over Western Medicine, which immediately secured my confidence in this method.

According to the doctor, you must wake up, brush your teeth, and use a mouth rinse. Next, you must prepare yourself for a day of fasting. Please allow your mind to grasp this concept during this time because it really is as horrible as it sounds, but it will always work very well. Once you’ve wrapped your head around the terrible day ahead of you, you must prepare nearly a half a gallon of chamomile tea, which will stop you from having to make it frequently, which you will. Once you made your tea, its off to your regular day. I recommend keeping the tea in several thermoses to keep it warm, which will prevent you from having to reheat it later in the day. If a microwave is not available, this concept will save you from wasting chamomile tea because this tea is only effective if warm. My doctor told me to drink it constantly throughout the day. For a bit more flavor, he recommended trying to boil a few kiwis in with the batch, or allowing a kiwi to rest in the thermos with the tea.

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I was informed of this method, as I said before, nearly a month ago. I cannot think of a better way that I have been told to remove a canker soar from my mouth. My doctor’s wise suggestion, has allowed me to be canker soar free for nearly a month now, which is a personal record in the past 5 years. He informed me that it would not prevent canker soars from reoccurring and to be safe I should do this once a month or once every other month. I highly recommend this chamomile tea suggestion to anyone who suffers from chronic problems with canker soars. You will trade one day of no food for a week of pain. I believe that is a fair tradeoff, plus the chamomile tea is actually filling.