Categories: Food & Wine

Hot Pockets Calzone: A Tasty but Sinful Treat

I was having a bad day. I mean a really bad day. The kind of day where you want to run off and join the circus. It was also food shopping day, which didn’t help my mood since the grocery store was packed with wall to wall people. After buying my fruits, vegetables and meats for the week, I spied Hot Pockets Calzone in the freezer section. I normally never eat hot pockets since I had my fair share when I was a single gal with no one to cook for but myself. Might I also add that I was in my early twenties and totally unconcerned with fat content or calories. The Hot Pockets Calzone box beckoned to me with it’s festive red, white and green packaging and the delicious looking Italian treat on the box. Without even checking the nutritional information on the back of the box, I plucked it from the freezer shelf and threw it in my cart.

Hot Pockets Calzone cooks up in it’s crisper sleeve in three minutes and fifteen seconds. It smells delicious as it is cooking in the microwave. After the allotted time, the product is extremely hot so a cooling time of at least two minutes is necessary. After two minutes, the Hot Pockets Calzone is ready to be enjoyed. And enjoy it, I did.

I chose the four meat, four cheese Hot Pockets Calzone. This contained sausage, pepperoni, Canadian Style bacon, ground beef and four cheeses. The most delicious part of the calzone was the crust. It was flaky and spiced with tasty herbs reminiscent of what you would order in an Italian restaurant. The sauce was very processed tasting, but the other flavors more than made up for the lack of flavor in the tomato sauce. I truly enjoyed every bite of the Hot Pockets Calzone.

The Hot Pockets Calzone was $1.99 for an eight point five ounce package. The calzone is in two pieces which get broken apart to make two servings. On a normal day I may not have been able to finish both servings, but since I was in need of a comfort food fix, I happily polished off both pieces.

Now for the bad news. Each serving of Hot Pockets Calzone is three hundred calories, with one hundred and ten calories from Fat. Since I ate both servings in one sitting, I consumed six hundred calories and twenty three grams of fat. Smack my hand. On the upside, Hot Pockets Calzone does contain twenty five percent of calcium and ten percent of iron per each serving. In the midst of my comfort food binge, at least I did gain a modicum of nutrition.

Hot Pockets Calzone is extremely tasty and does provide a nice comfort food feeling. Is it healthy and nutritious? Absolutely not. Would I buy it again? Yes, if another day comes along that was as bad as that one and I need a little boost. I don’t smoke anymore, so if now and again I need to enjoy a sinfully tasty treat like Hot Pockets Calzone to keep me from running back to the cigarettes, that’s the trade off. My waistline might not thank me, but my lungs certainly will!

Karla News

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