Categories: Food & Wine

Homemade Biscotti Recipes

Biscotti-A twice baked cookie served with aperitifs, appetizers and hot drinks. That’s basically the definition of this Italian goodie. Not that this sweet is partial to the Italian kitchen. When growing up in my Jewish home, my mom would buy something similar in shape, taste and use called mandel bread. I loved it even when I was but a small child. I’d dunk it into my hot chocolate. The ones my mother brought home were flavored with almonds and almond extract.

When I became an adult, coffee became an important if not vital part of my existence, as did watching my figure. I found that many biscotti (especially the traditional, according to my research reading Italian cookbooks) were lower in fat than most cookies. The only fat coming from the egg yolks and nuts. My father loves crunchy, hard cookies. I guess I get my addiction to biscotti and the like from him.

Now this will sound out of place, but I’ll get to the point of this statement: I have a brown thumb. The only thing I have successfully grown, on my own, in my garden is rosemary. My little bag of seeds has turned into half a yard of hedges. Really. So I had to start creating recipes with this aromatic herb. I started out making the obvious roasted potatoes (adding garlic of course), marinating chicken, leg of lamb, pork chops, etc. Then I decided to make some baked goods with what was fast becoming my signature seasoning.

After many attempts, I have developed a delicious biscotti that is low in fat and perfect with apertiffs, cheese and meet trays, tea and naturally coffee.
In honor of my dad, I’ve named them: Dad’s Favorite Biscotti. Here’s the recipe. I will give both the decadent and the healthy versions, believe me, both will become your favorite as well. Both versions require pre-heating the oven to 350 and using two racks on the top third of the oven. Also have two well grease large cookie sheets ready to go.

Dad’s Favorite Biscotti (the decadent version on the left, healthy substitutions will be in parenthesis on the right)

3 C all purpose flour
1 C whole wheat flour
2 C sugar
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
2 tbsp. fresh, minced rosemary
1/2 tsp. freshly grated black pepper

In a large bowl of a heavy duty mixer, combine the above ingredients.
In a separate medium bowl beat the next ingredients lightly by hand:

6 large eggs (equivalent of six eggs with an egg substitute of your preference)
2 tsp. vanilla

Pour into dry ingredients and blend in mixing bowl with paddle.
Stir in:
2 C chopped cashews or almonds, toasted (2 C grapenuts cereal)

When well combined, divide. Dampen hands well and put half of batter on each prepared cookie sheet. Form each half int 4″x12″ loaves. Bake 20 minutes. Test loaves. They should be firm to the touch and slightly brown. Remove from oven. Remove entire loaf carefully and put on clean tea towels. With a serrated knife, slice at 1/2″ intervals diagonally. Place cut side up back on cookie sheets. Bake another 20 minutes. Remove and cool on racks.
Should make approximately 3 dozen.

Now my mom also loves to dunk, but she loves this version, again I’ll put the “healthier” options in parenthesis on the right:

Mom’s Cranberry Wonders: (Preheat oven to 325 and prepare 2 large cookie sheets)

1 1/2 C all purpose flour
1 C whole wheat flour
1 C sugar
1 tsp. powder
1/2 tsp. soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
Combine all the above ingredients in medium bowl.

In large bowl of heavy duty mixer with paddle mix:

2 eggs
2 egg whites (replace all eggs with equivalent of 3 eggs total of preferred substitute)
1 tbsp. rum extract

When well mixed, stir in dry ingredients. Stir in the following:

1/4 C slivered and toasted almonds (1/4 C grapenuts cereal)
6 oz. dried cranberries

With dampened hands, divide batter and place on each cookie sheet. Form into loaves 1/2″ wide and 14″ long. Bake 20 minutes. Remove from oven, loaves should be quite firm to touch and beginning to brown. With a serrated knife, slice diagonal 1/2″ slices. Place back onto cookie sheets, cut side up and bake another 20 minutes. Remove and cool on racks.

As the Italians would say Mangia Bene!

Karla News

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