Categories: Beauty

Homemade Anti-Aging Scrub for Skin

For many men and women keeping the skin ageless and beautiful is extremely important to them. I know keeping my skin youth for and beautiful for as long as I can is important to me, which is why I use my homemade anti-aging scrub with natural oils three times per week to help prevent the signs of aging naturally.

Ingredients Needed for Homemade Anti-Aging Scrub

The ingredients I like to use to make my homemade anti-aging are grapeseed oil, olive oil, aloe vera, honey, lemon juice and fine sugar. The reason why I use grapeseed oil and olive oil in this anti-aging scrub is because these two ingredients provides antioxidants, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that are essential for keeping skin firm and free from wrinkles naturally. Aloe vera is used in the scrub because it has the ability to stimulate collagen production deep beneath the skin, which helps keep the skin nicely hydrated, plumped up and well toned for a youthful appearance. Honey is useful in the mask simply due to healing properties it contains and potent nutrients that helps keep the skin free from blemishes, and lemon juice is used because it has the ability to fade age spots as well as prevent them. The sugar in the scrub is used to help make the scrub thick and gritty like microdermabarasion exfoliating scrubs so the anti-aging scrub can have the ability to remove dead skin cells from the surfaces of new youthful skin.

Now, I get all these ingredients from my local grocery store and you may do the same. Just make sure they are quality ingredients with not a lot of preservatives or you will not see the anti-aging results you are looking for when you go to use the homemade scrub.

Making the Anti-Aging Scrub
To make the anti-aging scrub you must measure out a half cup each of grapeseed oil and olive oil, two tablespoons of aloe, one tablespoon of honey, a fourth cup of lemon juice and two and half cups of sugar.

Once you have all the ingredients measured out simply pour them into a large mixing bowl and combined them together with a spatula or mixing spoon until you get this golden gritty mixture with a sweet scent to it.

After the scrub is made, you can store it away in a glass jar in the refrigerator until you are ready to use it. The anti-aging scrub should stay fresh for up to two weeks as long as you store it properly.

Using the Anti-Aging Scrub
Before using the scrub, the first thing I personally like to do is wash my face with my daily cleanser and some warm water to help soften up the skin so it is easier to exfoliate. Then I take a small handful of the scrub and massage it into my skin using small circular motions all over my face for about three minutes too really help exfoliate the dead skin cells and allow the potent nutrients in the scrub soak deep beneath the skin to help prevent or reverse the signs of aging naturally. Once I am done exfoliating my face I rinse it down with plenty of warm water, then a splash of cool water to help shrink my pores and towel dry my skin off and apply a good moisturizing anti-aging facial cream to help with the preventing and reversing signs of aging even better.

However, to see true beautifying results from the homemade anti-aging scrub it is best to use the scrub at least three times per week. Some of the results I have notices from using the scrub weekly are firmer skin, less acne scars and blemishes, and an even complexion.

The results my grandmother has notices and I have noticed since she has been using the homemade scrub are her fine lines around the eyes and lip area have drastically reduces and her skin seems a lot firmer and a bit plumper, which gives her a youthful appearance which she loves.


If you have any allergies to the ingredients in this homemade anti-aging scrub do not make it or use it. If you begin to notice irritation from using the scrub three times per week, use it only once a week instead and see how your skin feels afterwards. Overall, this anti-aging scrub is all-natural and will help beautify your skin beautifully.


Karla News

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