Categories: TRAVEL

Hawaii Weather: What to Expect During Hawaii’s Rainy Season

There is nothing predictable about the weather here on the islands of Hawaii. One side of an island may be experiencing a downpour resulting in a flash flood, while the other side may be clear without a cloud in the sky. This makes the state of Hawaii famous for its spectacular rainbows. There is an environment shift we can expect during Hawaii’s rainy season. These are note worthy facts to locals and tourists. When the weather changes, the invasive species come out and some are hazardous to Hawaii’s occupants. Take heed of the warning of Hawaii’s rainy season.

When is Hawaii’s rainy season?

Hawaii’s rainy season begins in November. Then it can last through as late as March. Some years rainfall has been more tame then others, but we have had so much rain in recent years to cause serious mudslides that resulted in extensive damages.

Hawaii beaches during rainy season

Fall and winter bring a cooler temperature to Hawaii’s beaches. Heavy rainfall is known to stir up Hawaii’s oceans. This leaves murky waters. Sharks are known to frequent these murky water conditions looking for food. Do not swim in murky water especially after heavy rain fall! There have been many reports of shark attacks under these conditions of the rainy season. This doesn’t mean you can not enjoy the Hawaii beaches during the rainy season. Using the proper precautions will help prevent shark encounters. Be sure to swim where lifeguards are present. Don’t swim over steep drop offs or harbor entrances at this time of year.

Pests make their presence known

During the Hawaii rainy season animals, insects and other living things are forced out of their comfortable habitats. Many of these creatures are looking for shelter. It’s not uncommon for Hawaii residents to experience a rapid invasion of pests.

Centipedes are one of the most startling pests. Not only are they a horrifying sight, but they pack a powerful bite. They’re known to hide in shoes, beds and clothing. Be sure to pull back your bed sheets and look under your pillows before turning in for the night.

Geckos are harmless lizards that work their way into homes and other buildings for shelter. They do like moist areas and are often found on the windows or in shower areas. It’s an old Hawaiian legend that geckos bring good luck to the home.

Ants are a nuisance during the Hawaii rainy season. They come in to nest and collect food. Sadly, well maintained homes are targeted too. These ants are attracted to water areas. They are often found in sink areas and pet dishes.

Bufo Toads breed in pools of water left by heavy rainfall. These toads become active during rainfall and often venture from their habitats. These toads are poisonous and life threatening. Dogs and children are especially at risk due to their curiously playful nature. If you see these toads hoping about keep guard of your children and pets.

Even with all the hazards Hawaii’s rainy season brings, it remains my favorite time of year. To me the Hawaiian islands transform to lush green jungles, skies of rainbows and is the only time of year Hawaii experiences change. With change brings new beginnings, growth and life.

Come on Hawaii lets live and dance in the rain, but without forgetting the hidden invasive species it brings too.

American Association of Poison Control Centers
Australian Museum Online


Karla News

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