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Hair Removal Product Review: The Braun 5270 Silk-Epil X’elle Body System Epilator

Epilator, Hair Removal Methods, Shaving Legs

Epilators are a method of hair removal that doesn’t involve the annoyance of daily shaving or quite as much pain as waxing. The Braun 5270 Silk-epil X’elle Body System Epilator is a good product that works well to remove hair. Epilators have a set of tweezers that rotate and pull out hairs as they go. They are convienent because you can use them anywhere without water or the mess of wax. Hair grows back slower and finer. Your body stays hair free for up to 4 weeks.

The product has the SoftLift system which lifts and guides all hairs up to the tweezers. Because of this, it can remove hairs that are too short for waxing to grab. There are also massaging rollers which follow the tweezers to stimulate the skin and reduce the pain from the hair removal. This product claims to remove more hair in one stroke than other epilators.

Lot s of epilators pinch or miss skin but I have not had these problems with the Braun. The product is small enough to travel with and comfortable to hold in your hand. It has a nice grip on it so it does not slip. I have used this product on my forearms, upper and lower legs, and my underarms. I have not had a problem with any of these areas and there was never a time where the pain was unbearable. The massaging rollers really do their job.

This product also comes with a shaver head. This is a nice feature because it can be used if hair is too short for the epilator. It’s nice to have two products combined into one to save space.

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A couple complaints I have are that the product is rather loud and the cord is pretty short. I feel like these problems are nothing to the ones associated with shaving and waxing. The first couple times you do it, it hurts a moderate amount but once your skin gets used to it the pain goes away.

Hair grows in cycles so to start with you will need to do this every day or so for a week to make sure you get all of it out. After that, your skin will stay smooth for about 4 weeks. I suppose if you waited for your hair to grow long enough, you wouldn’t need to do it every day but I am not that patient and do not like hair legs.

Try this product if you’re looking for an option other than the regular old hair removal methods.