Categories: Gardening

Growing Geraniums and Geranium Varieties

Tom Miller, ornamental horticulturist from Austin, brings a lot of talent to Texas. He is one of the country’s outstanding authorities on new varieties of blooming annuals and perennials. Some of his research work involved improved gladiola varieties. An examine of the information he has for us is the following account of geraniums:

If growing geraniums from seed sounds like a strange idea, then you are not keeping up-to-date on the latest plant developments. A new geranium series called “Carefree” has added a new dimension to this plant. Prior to the development of “Carefree” geraniums, all geraniums were known and propagated by rooted cuttings. They did not come true to color from seeds.”

About seven years ago. Dr. Craig and Dr. Darrell Walker of Penn State conquered that plant custom. They developed a geranium variety that had the ability lo reproduce from seed. The “Carefree” series of colors was first made available to the gardening public in 2005. Since their introductions, orders for seed have been phenomenal. The seed is expensive, so don’t expect to get a packet for 25 cents, like most other plants. Retail prices on the seed range from 15 cents each on small quantities to 10 cents each on 100 seed or more.

The new geranium does take four to five months to produce plants of flowering size. So it would be advisable to order your seed now, and get them planted just as soon as they arrive. Start the seed indoors or with protection from the frost. Germination starts in less than a week. When a couple of true leaves form, shift the seedling into 2-inch peat pots. Anytime after April 1, they should be able to be planted outdoors with no danger of frost.

It is customary to pinch back the tips of geraniums from cuttings to make them branch out into a bushy form. Such pinching is not needed with plants from seeds. Losses through virus diseases from cuttings also are eliminated when starting “Carefree” geraniums from seed.

Another new flower from seed to enliven our landscape is the “Ruffled White” verbena, slightly doubled, and sweetly scented. This bedding plant is particular adapted to hot summers. It makes an outstanding sun-loving, blooming ground cover. Some of the better verbena varieties that can be bought from seed are Crystal (white), Delight (coral), Dazzle (red), Sparkle and Amethyst (blue).

Do you enjoy marigolds? Here is an all-American winner: “Bolero” is a compact plant, averaging about 12 inches tall and 18 inches in width. The 1 ½ to 2 ½ inch flowers are an intense combination of mahagony and gold. It blooms profusely and is highly resistant in nematodes.

After our television publicity the other day on the Madrone tree, several people called to express their interest. Some seedling trees have been located, and we do have permission from the owner to get some. I would mention the rancher’s name, but he doesn’t want the publicity. The job now is to determine the best management practices, planting techniques and fertilizing. We also want to research some seed germination with Madrone seed. This will be the most practical way to make this valuable rare tree available as an ornamental.

Geraniums From Seed

Karla News

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