Categories: Shopping & Fashion

Great 50th Birthday Gift Ideas

This is a topic that hits very close to home with me, since I am about to celebrate the Big 5-0 in a matter of days.

This is a remarkable time for anybody entering the fifth decade of their existence. It means, thank God, that you’re a survivor, that you’ve weathered a lot of storms. It doesn’t have to mean, however. that you have one foot in the grave or that all fun in life is about to cease. As a matter of fact, there should be more fun, because at 50, you’re at the point where you’re open to things you might not have had the nerve to do when you were younger and less confident.

I think 50th birthday gifts ought to be out-of-the-ordinary and over-the-top, to mark the fact that this is a spectacular occasion and, confound it, we want to celebrate it!

These are gift ideas I think would give any new 50-year-old a thrill:

A Hot Air Balloon Ride

I would personally love to take a ride in a hot air balloon on my birthday.

Many cities have places that offer hot air balloon rides for special occasions. Just make sure you check your local BetterBusiness Bureau first to inquire about their safety record. Definitely make certain that the pilot is FAA licensed and has proven experience

The cost usually depends upon where you live and how many people will be aboard.

Tandem Sky Diving Lessons

When I heard the report of George H.W. Bush, our former President,. marking his then 80th birthday by skydiving from several feet high, I thought he was starting to lose a few brain cells.

Now that I’m about to hit my 50th year, I understand completely what his reason was. The older you get, the more you want to feel a sense of excitement, because it helps you feel more alive and vibrant.

There are many places that offer a tandem skydiving lesson, usually around $220-00 to $225.00 per jump. Most include instruction and all equipment and some will videotape your experience at an additional cost.

Imagine, jumping out of a plane at 13,000 feet in the air, your heart beating with a combination of abject fear and exhilaration, as you test your courage and then feel the pride of accomplishing a successful jump.

If you think this is a bit too risky for the birthday girl or guy, there’s always the option of paying for indoor skydiving that can be done in a vertical wind tunnel. It won’t be the real thing, of course, but can still be enjoyable, just without the danger element.

This is only for folks you know who are in good physical condition and who don’t have health issues.

Fighter Pilot for a Day

Men would probably feel more akin to this than women would, but, hey, who’s to say that women don’t also harbor the same secret desire to be an “air warrior” for a day?

There is a company here in Las Vegas, for example, called Air Combat USA that will help satisfy one’s fantasy for becoming a real fighter pilot. The lucky guy or gal gets to fly in a genuine military aircraft, along with an experienced instructor and experience what it’s like to be in real air combat.

Air Combat USA costs from:$1,195 (for 1) to $2, 390 (for 2). Costs for similar services in your area may vary, depending on the company you use.

Day at a Spa

Give the birthday person in question a gift certificate to a day spa and they will thank you profusely.

Who doesn’t want to be pampered with a facial, manicure, pedicure, sauna, mud bath,massage, etc., and to feel totally relaxed and indulged?

After 50 years, we deserve it!

Ask around to see which day spas have stellar reputations for service and cleanliness. Costs vary, depending on the spa. The better the rep, the likelihood that the cost will be higher.

But you do want the best, right?

Limousine Ride

Most people I know have gone riding in a limo on three occasions- for their high school prom, their wedding and for a funeral.

Let them know that a limo ride can be connected to something fun again.

Rent a -fully stocked limo for a night on the town or to their favorite restaurant or on a special tour. A stretch limos can generally seat from 4-6 passengers.

Some charge an hourly rate, some a standard rate.

Gag Gifts Are Cute, But …

Sure, I know my friends will give me the expected gag gifts, like slippers that say “Old Fart” “Old Grump” coffee mugs and a host of tacky poems and other things, meant to imply that I am now “over-the-hill.

I like to laugh as much as anybody else and I’ll enjoy the ribbing, without getting too thick a skin. Still, I hope that my friends and loved ones will realize that there’s a lot of life left in me yet.

Consider that same fact about the pal or family member you’re buying a 50th birthday gift for, too.

We might be a bit older, but we still just wanna have fun!


Karla News

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