Categories: Shopping & Fashion

Go Green! Save the Planet

There is much talk these days about global warming, energy conservation and depleting resources. I was just thinking about the many ways in which we can contribute to save our planet and make this a better world to live in.

Use energy saving bulbs at home – We all have seen this at our workplaces. Most offices these days run on energy saving bulbs or LED’s because it not only reduces their electricity bills but maintains the same level of illumination as well. They help save energy and are totally eco-friendly. Using energy bulbs at home not only helps as it saves you money, but it gives you a feeling that your saving energy for the future and also reducing pollution thus helping the cause of global warming to a great extent.

Unplug your appliances and switch off lights / television when not in use – Imagine this, your watching your television over the weekend and trying to relax after a hard work week. You hear your doorbell ring and rush to open the door. Guess what – your best friend just visited after a few weeks and asks you to join for a coffee. You rush out and forget to switch off your television.

Imagine the no. of times in a day, we leave our computer, television and lights on and rush out to do more important things. Unplug your appliances when they’re not in use. These little things will add to help preserve electricity and save you money too!

Start a car pool in your area – Do you know neighbors or colleagues at work who travel to their workplace and back home just like you. Well, ask them and find out if you guys could take turns and start a car pool. You would save money; conserve energy and most importantly make new friends too!

Avoid paper – Save the trees!

Avoid the use of paper cups at your workplace. Carry a water bottle to work and fill it up when needed.

Always opt for electronic data. These days your banks too send your statement by e-mails as its easier, faster and saves a lot of paper. Think twice before firing off that print command on your computer – do it only if it’s absolutely necessary.

Carry a paper shopping bag while doing your regular grocery shopping and re-use it till you can! Remember plastic is really very hard to recycle.

Walk / Cycle to work – If the weather’s pleasant and you think you’re up to walking or cycling to your workplace. Do it! It’s a good form of exercise as well and if you can do it once a week you’ll have the pleasure of not adding to daily traffic, conserving energy, saving money and keeping good health too.

Use solar – Use solar panels on your roof to heat up water at home. They might be expensive initially but ultimately help in conserving energy and reducing your electricity bills. Also, your eligible for rebate from the Electricity department in your town for hosting those solar panels up on your roof!

Don’t dump garbage on the road – Most people dump garbage on the road where people walk, or in vacant sites. This leads to polluting the environment and affecting the general public health.

These are just a few of the many ways I could come up with towards saving our planet! Use your grey cells and add on to it.

Karla News

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