Categories: Beauty

Glow After Dark by JLO Night Bright Body Lotion: Review

I absolutely despised JLO Glow After Dark perfume. The perfume smelled like man to me. It was strong, manly, and I hated it. The scent did not match the Glow collection, which was and always had been a light feminine musk scent. After Dark though is her unisex scent…and unisex means manly no matter how you advertise it.

For Christmas though I received a big ol’ tube of Glow After Dark Body Lotion. I already knew I hated the perfume. I had a hunch this Night Bright Body Lotion would suck just as much as the manly perfume.

The lotion however peeked my interested because it was called Night Bright. I wondered what that was all about, so before bed, I of course applied some of the lotion to my body.


Glow After Dark Night Bright Body Lotion comes in a 6.7 ounce squeeze tube. The tube itself is pretty appealing. It is black, with metallic star flecks all over the tube. It’s actually an attractive tube; like the pretty After Dark perfume bottle though, I was not about to be fooled. Or was I?

The Scent:

Yep, that same manly stink the After Dark perfume gives off. Bitter, and sour. Manly.

I looked at my skin though, and was sort of excited when I saw all of the micro fine flecks of glitter on my skin. The glitter wasn’t your average glitter though, it was large enough as to where it would stick and create a look of stars on your skin. I liked it, figured I could use it on my neck and arms on winter nights out with friends.

The lotion began to dry, and most of the glitter remained. Some flecks fell off though and left me bare in areas. It was okay though, there was enough glitter to be recognized in the moonlight.

Glow After Dark Night Bright Body Lotion absorbs relatively fast, and surprisingly made my skin feel really nice, and moisturized.

Best of all though the manly smell that the lotion first had was gone. After a few moments of drying, the lotion smelled mostly of cinnamon. It was a warm and inviting smell. The way a cup of hot cocoa and whipped cream makes you feel on a cold day.


I was not expecting to like the body lotion, seeing how I couldn’t stand the perfume, but low and behold, I must say that Glow After Dark Night Bright Body Lotion is a really gorgeous lotion.

It brightens your skin with little dashes of glitter flecks, it moisturizes, and it leaves a warm cozy cinnamon scent behind for hours.

Where To Buy:

You can pick up a tube of Glow After Dark by JLO Night Bright Body Lotion at any local Macy’s. You can also in rare cases find the gift set which would include perfume and lotion. The perfume though still sucks in my opinion. You honestly want to buy just the lotion. When the lotion dries it has that warm cinnamon scent that the perfume does not.

A 6.7 ounce tube will run anywhere from $20.000 to $30.00. Picking it up on ebay would be the best alternative to buy it at lower pricing.

Karla News

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