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Get Paid to Write Online

Get Paid to Write, Paid to Write

Calling myself an author does not happen because I have now been published online. I started writing years ago and even managed at one time to be published in a magazine. My life took a different turn at that time so I laid down my pen and paper for awhile. Until now. Now I want to get paid to write online. Sounds easy, right? Sign up to a site, write, start earning…ah, but there are things one must do if he or she plans to make it in this online writing world.

So this author has been spending copious amounts of time-and I will continue doing so-learning all the ins and outs of writing online and getting paid for it. I’ve collected what I consider some very useful tips that have been surely written before but I am going to put my spin on them and see if it doesn’t motivate you to get going and get writing. You do want to get paid to write online, don’t you??

5 Free Tips: Get Paid to Write Online

#1: Do your homework-research all the ways a writer can be paid to write online. There are tons of online writing sites out there-Triond, Bukisa, Associated Content, HubPages, eHow-to name several. And you need to be comfortable with whichever site you sign up for. Do not assume that the first get paid to write site you sign with is the end all-be all of writing sites. You believe your writing is important and you should feel comfortable with whomever you choose to showcase it.

#2: Write quality content-I cannot stress this enough. The importance of correct spelling and the ability to use proper grammar will set you far above quite a large percentage of the online writing community. If spelling and grammar are not your strong suite, please purchase the tools-or find them free online if you can (do your homework)-to enable you to succeed in this area. Producing quality content will do a couple of things for you. First, you can take pride in your work and knowing that what you’ve written is good enough to be shared. And secondly-most importantly-writing quality content will keep your readers hungering for more. This brings me to:

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#3: Grow your readership-writers write for various reasons but if you’ve chosen to write online and you wish to get paid for it, chances are one of your reasons is that you want to be read. It thrills me to know that people are reading me as part of their daily online activities. I spend a good portion of my day networking and socializing in the hopes that someone will read my work, like it, and want more. Growing your online readership does take time (and remembering tips #1 and #2, of course) and patience; but focusing on your goal-growing your readership-will pay off if you are true to yourself and your readers.

#4: Self-promotion-a huge part of growing your readership is self promotion. There are so many ways to promote your work and I certainly do not have all the answers. However, I will tell you that I spend a portion of my day self-promoting in these ways:

Socializing-Facebook, StumbleUpon, Twitter, AskSan’sBlog, Redgage, Reddit, Digg, and SheToldMe

Submitting to search engines-Google, Yahoo, Bing (and a plethora of others; again, do your homework, find places to share your links)

Rely-rely heavily on the kindness of strangers and your family and friends. If someone reads my work and likes it, they may praise it several ways: commenting, liking it, or sending a link to their friends who may send it to their friends and so on.

With all of the above it is important to remember a couple of things: you must give back to your writing community. Read your fellow writers. Like their work, comment, link it, whatever. Just spread the writing/reading love and you will reap the benefits.

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#5: Most importantly-do not be afraid to fail. I’ve written articles that I believed were brilliant, only to have them fall flat. I am also not some huge online writing success story at the moment either. Don’t be afraid to put your work out there and don’t fall apart if not every single piece you produce does not get millions of views. Just be patient, remember steps 1-4 and keep writing. Who knows, you just may be the next Agatha Christie, Stephen King, Mary Higgins Clark, John Grisham, or Dan Brown.

Getting paid to write online is relatively easy. But you must be diligent about everything associated with your new business-getting paid to write online-to be successful. The following are five more free quick tips for your online writing success:

Choose a catchy title

Write what you know-cite what you don’t

Spell and grammar check always

Retain the rights to your work

Never be afraid to ask questions-there are no stupid questions; however, there are a plethora of unanswered ones simply because they were never asked.

Use this knowledge that I’ve gained in my short career as an online writer. I’m sharing this with you because I am thrilled to be doing what I love and getting paid for it. If that’s your dream, go do it, get paid to write online today. Cheers!

Read more about how to get paid to write online:

Triond Writers Can Make Money

The 2 Greatest Secrets for Online Writing Success

Get Paid to Write Online

Five Tips to Write Right

See also  Helium.com - Is the Paid-to-Write Freelance Site Really Worth Your Time?

Five Important Things You Need to Know About Triond

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