Categories: Shopping & Fashion

Geek Gifts We’d like to See Mass Manufactured

ThinkGeek is just the most famous web site selling merchandise specifically tailored to science fiction, comic book, fantasy and horror fans. “The Big Bang Theory” features characters who regularly wear fashion that could be found on web sites like ThinkGeek and other outlets selling these items. Viewers with a good eye may notice little things like Rubik’s Cub tissue holders as part of the background tapestry of “The Big Bang Theory.” You name the geek item and chances are it can be found somewhere. But maybe not completely mass manufactured enough yet to make such consumer retrieval easy for all. Here’s some suggestions of geeky gifts some people I know would like to see mass manufactured.

Star Trek Communicator Cell Phone

A flip phone that replicates the communicator from the original Star Trek TV show seems like such a no-brainer that it must certainly exist somewhere in some form. If you were going to pick one single piece of iconic geekdom to transform into a real piece of 21st century technology, it would almost have to be the Star Trek communicator turned into a flip phone mobile communications device.

Moss Wig

“The IT Crowd” is kind of the British equivalent of “The Big Bang Theory” in terms of geekiness and the geekiest character on the show is Moss. Moss is without a doubt the geekiest black man in the history of entertainment and played to sublime perfection by Richard Ayoade. Moss sports an afro not terribly unlike that which sat atop the head of Samuel L. Jackson in “Unbreakable.” There is a bizarrely large part that provides a sense of disorientation in the geometry and theology of the hairstyle that may even cast doubt upon Moss’ soul. I kid, of course; the selling of an afro wig of the type that Moss sports in “The IT Crowd” would make Halloween a geeky tribute holiday instead of one that brings into the light far too many clueless Goth vampires.

Mal’s Duster

In fact, there used to be a web site where you could purchase an exact replica-and I mean exact-of the duster worn by fan convention Nathan Fillion. “Firefly” was viewed by an excruciating small percentage of Americans when it originally aired on Fox back during the early dark days of Bush. Like “A Christmas Story” and unlike Bush himself, however, “Firefly” has managed to grow in popularity since being kicked to the curb and is now one of the most beloved TV shows to ever last less than a season. The very cool duster coat worn by Captain Mal has become something of a holy grail of geekdom. Mass manufacturing of that duster would threaten to rival Tom Baker’s long scarf in the world of geekery.

Mr. Plow Jacket

My own personal choice for a geeky gift that should be mass manufactured is Homer Simpson’s Mr. Plow jacket. He’s Mr. Plow. That’s his name. And he wears a jacket so cool that he makes Mal’s duster from “Firefly” look like something an anemic rhinoceros vomited up after eating infected monkey brains. That name again? Mr. Plow. The ultimate geek gift from the Simpsons fan. That’s me.

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