Categories: Pets

Gameness: An Exclusive Pit Bull Trait

Anyone who has ever witnessed Pit Bull aggression is usually shocked by the level of ferocity these dogs display. The come hard, with everything they have, and do not stop coming. What most do not realize is that this has long been a desirable and positive trait of the breed. It is called gameness. Only the Pit Bulls have gameness. Essentially, it is the undying determination to keep going despite pain, injury, or insurmountable odds. What many do not also realize is that gameness was bred into these animals for a reason.

Dog fighting has not always been a bloodsport as witnessed today. In the 19th Century, it was much more a gentleman’s sport, with integrity and much accolade. Owners rarely allowed their dogs to fight to the death. When the least sign of submission was displayed, the animals were taken apart and the loser conceded. They were prize fighters at a time when America was rising in power and proving its mettle. Life was hard and Americans were hardworking. They created a breed that matched their determination to succeed. The American Pit Bull Terrier had all these qualities and more.

Pit Bulls were selected and culled on the traits of their gameness. The size of the animal was irrelevant. In fact, the average weight of Pit Bulls then was 18-35 pounds. A smaller dog was often better skilled. They were the only breed that could take on dogs 100 pounds heavier than they and defeat them. Another glaring difference between the dogs of today and yesterday was the amount of human aggression displayed. Pit Bulls were quickly put down by their owners when any sign of human aggression presented itself in the early days. The handlers needed to have dogs they could tend to without being bitten. Over time, the Pit Bull earned a reputation for being human friendly. This trait still exists today, but it is slowly but surely being bastardized.

Pit Bulls were also very useful around farms. The terrier aspect of the breed enabled them to go after small game with tenacity and fearlessness. They were used successfully for catching game and killing vermin. In every way, the Pit Bull was indispensable. It was loved and cherished. It had a place and it guarded it staunchly. Even in the early 20th Century, the Pit Bull had risen to a symbol of American grit and courage. A Pit Bull with an American flag around its neck encouraged Americans to join the military ranks in World War One. There is even a stuffed Pit Bull on display in a war museum, who chased down a German spy and held him by the hindquarters until help could arrive. Yes, they were even used in battle.

What has happened to this phenomenal breed?

In sum, Pit Bulls have been taken over by ignorant owners who exploit, abuse, and teach it to be everything it is not. Without understanding its heroic history, we have people who think that bigger is better, and that the more aggression displayed means a better animal. It is truly heartbreaking. What we have now is a breed being taken apart systematically by thugs and gang-bangers who do not care what the consequences are.

To add misfortune to it all, we also have a media run amok. Every dog attack is automatically a Pit Bull attack. Nothing but how terrible these dogs are is all that is presented. There is a fear of the breed that has never before existed in the collective consciousness of Americans. We have unwittingly changed a symbol of pride and heroism into a bloodthirsty marauder. People are quick to attack its name without realizing that most of the foundation is based in myth and misnomer. The Doberman endured this degradation in the 80’s. The Rottweiler was the mischosen breed of the 90’s. Pit bulls are the demons of the 21st Century.

Those of us who know the truth must speak on their behalf. In many homes, there are Pit Bulls who are cherished family pets. They show more determination to love and protect than can be fathomed. Gameness can also be channeled positively, as a desire to be loved and to love. A dog with a heart as big as a lion, perhaps, can outlast the scourge that is occurring and reemerge one day as the extraordinary breed it has always been.

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