Categories: Real Estate

FSBO and How to Advertise Your Open House

Are you trying to selling your home without using a real estate professional? In the real estate industry, this do-it-yourself marketing is referred to as “For Sale by Owner,” or FSBO for short. Selling a home FSBO means that the responsibility of marketing the home falls squarely on the shoulders of the property owner.

There are all sorts of marketing tools a homeowner can use to promote his home. These may include advertising, yard signs, promotional flyers, and conducting an “open house.”

Preparing for an open house through advanced advertising

Real estate professionals depend on advertising and directional signs to attract would-be buyers to an open house. For your open house to be a success, these same marketing tools can be used to drive traffic to your home.

If the home is being marketed through a FSBO franchise, the franchise will need between 4-6 weeks notice to place an “open house” ad in their monthly publications. If you are handling your own advertising, check with local newspapers for real estate advertising deadlines. In most cases, newspapers only require 24 hours notice to place a real estate ad.

The ad should start with the title “Open House” and include the home’s address, brief directions, and the hours of the open house. Include a few lines that describe the home’s most outstanding features.

Sending out mailers

Another effective marketing tool is mailing postcards to people who might be interested in your home. Interested parties may include neighbors, relatives, or business associates. Printing and mailing 60 postcards costs less than $25 and is a terrific way to drive more traffic to your home. Chances are that someone you know may know of someone else who has expressed an interest in moving into the neighborhood.

Preparing a sales flyer

A sales flyer is perhaps the most important marketing tool there is. A well designed flyer will advertise the home and point out hidden features that a casual observer might not notice. These features should include recent upgrades, energy costs, square footage, custom fixtures and so forth. Plan on having at least 100 of these brochures available for your open house. Learn how to create an effective sales flyer here.

Setting up signs

The day before the open house, set up a couple of directional signs in the neighborhood to promote the open house. These signs don’t have to be anything elaborate but should be large enough to be read from the street. The “Open House” sign should state the day, time, and address of your home. These directional signs should be placed at the intersection of the nearest major cross street. Remember to ask permission from the property owner before placing the signs in someone’s yard.

Don’t forget to set an “open house” sign in your own yard, which includes the day and time of the event.

Banners or Advertising Pennants

Real estate professionals often use banners, flags, or twirly gigs to advertise that a home is “open” for viewing. Without these highly visible tools, a prospective buyer might wonder if the house is really open. A 120 foot string of advertising pennants cost $24 and really sends a message that a property is open for viewing.

Advertising an “open house” is really quite easy, but does require a bit more effort than just sticking a sign in the front yard. By following these simple steps, your open house will have a much better chance of bringing in a prospective buyer.

Karla News

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