Categories: Alternative Medicine

Fosamax Side Effects

Fosamax is a prescription treatment for the prevention of bone loss from osteoporosis, and it also is sometimes given to slow the progression of Paget’s disease (bone deformation). Like every synthetically compounded chemical drug, it is not supposed to be in our bodies, and therefore, the body’s own immune system may start to reject the drug by producing other ailments. Therefore, the Fosamax side effects may range from bothersome to even harmful.

I was diagnosed with osteoporosis after a long illness during which my body wasn’t absorbing any nutrients, so my bones were lacking calcium. I was advised to take Fosamax, but was already aware it can cause very disturbing digestive side effects. I had just gotten over my digestive problems, and received confirmation of these Fosamax side effects from my mother and several friends who had been on it. They were suffering and had all told their doctors they will no longer take this medication. So I knew that the Fosamax would be hard to absorb without problems. Their Fosamax side effects agreed with many of the Fosamax side effects found in the TV advertisements and in small print:

-Acid reflux and heartburn (instructions are to remain sitting up or standing for 30-60 minutes after swallowing the drug, because the makers of Fosamax are already aware of these types of Fosamax side effects!)
-Esophageal ulcers and swallowing problems
-Digestive problems where none existed before (extreme constipation, sour stomach, nausea)
-Exacerbated existing digestive problems, such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
-Bone and joint pain and/or muscle aches
-Pounding headache

Other very dangerous Fosamax side effects, after long-term use, include osteonecrosis, bone loss in large joints like the jaw and hip which can lead to death of the tissue and the eventual collapse of the bone…Exactly what Fosamax claims to protect against!

Is it Worth It?
Fosamax may produce less than, or as little as, 1% of new bone every year, and that is outer bone. It is inner bone we need to worry about reproducing. Outer bone will not keep our bones from breaking. So I had to decide that the possibility of getting these many Fosamax side effects was not worth producing that little bone.

The “one day a month” prescription of another similar drug, Boniva, still produces these side effects because it is formulated to go through your body a little at a time. I declined Fosamax and other prescription solutions, opting instead to consult a clinical nutritionist at one of several trustworthy natural health outlets in my community. My alternative solutions included:

-1000-1300 mg of Calcium per day in combination with at least Magnesium (a 1:1 ratio, not 2:1 as is the perpetuated myth) and Vitamin D. These help the calcium absorb. It is even better to find a calcium including HCL (hydrochloric acid, because you need stomach acid to digest and absorb the calcium) and other bone aids, Boron and Vitamin K. The supplement should be taken in divided doses throughout the day (500 w/one meal and 500 the next, for example).

-MCHC, microcrystalline calcium hydroxyapatite, a concentrated form of calcium which is proven to prevent and even reverse bone loss, is now being combined with many natural calcium supplements. And, being a natural animal derivative (bovine bone), it will not be rejected by our tissue.

-Colostrum supplements, derived from cow’s milk as healthy as that from the mother’s breast, but is safe for those who are lactose-intolerant.

-Consumption of broccoli, beans and other calcium-containing vegetables and legumes at least once per day.

-20 minutes of sunlight per day (Natural Vitamin D).

-Aerobic and weight bearing exercise, at least 40 minutes per day, at a minimum of 3 days per week.


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