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Food Ideas for a 1st Birthday Party

1st Birthday Party, Birthday Party, Food Ideas

It isn’t always easy to come up with food ideas for a birthday party, especially a 1st birthday party that includes many small children. Food choices can make or break a party, and the following food ideas for a 1st birthday party are sure to be a hit. Little kids as well as adults will enjoy the following 1st birthday party food ideas. They’re easy, fun, and most of all tasty. Your baby’s 1st birthday will definitely be a day to remember through photos, movies, and taste-tempting foods that are perfect for a little prince or princess and all of their guests!

Mini Food

Instead of preparing large portions of food, how about choosing heat and eat mini dishes such as mini corn dogs, pizza bagel bites, chicken tenders, and other kid-friendly choices? Adults and kids alike will enjoy these ideas, and they’re ready to eat in no time. This will give you more time to mingle with guests and enjoy your baby’s 1st birthday party without having to knock yourself out preparing food.

Taco Bar

A taco bar is one of the best food ideas for a 1st birthday party since guests can help themselves to toppings they prefer, and most people love tacos. Set out containers of toppings, and have guests serve themselves. Meat can be kept warm in a crock pot, and shells can be kept warm in the oven. This is one of the easiest 1st birthday party food ideas you’ll find!


People of all ages usually love pizza, and if you’re looking for easy meal ideas for a 1st birthday party, let your fingers do the walking and order out. If restaurant food will put the party over budget, bake high-quality frozen pizzas, and add extra toppings if necessary. You don’t have to go to a lot of trouble to feed party guests. Some of the easiest ideas are also some of the best.

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Make a Giant Burger

If ordinary fare doesn’t sound appealing, impress birthday party guests with a giant burger. Buy a large round loaf of bread, and broil or fry a giant hamburger patty. Cut the round loaf in half, and create a hamburger bigger than anything you’d ever find in a fast food restaurant. Top it with cheese, and set out bowls and containers of additional toppings such as bacon strips, cooked mushrooms, onions, pickles, olives, pepper rings, and more. Cut the burger into the appropriate number of wedges, and let guests serve themselves buffet style. This is a one-of-a-kind 1st birthday party food that meat lovers are sure to enjoy!

Barbeque Sandwiches

One of the easiest and most popular food ideas for a 1st birthday party or any party is barbeque sandwiches. The meat and sauce mixture can be made ahead of time and kept warm in a crock pot. Serve this popular food choice with chips of various kinds, dip, fresh veggies, and cold salads. You’ll be able to concentrate on fun activities with guests and your baby rather than spending hours in the kitchen.