Five Ways You Can Deal with Grief

Nothing is permanent in this world as we are living in a moving time and space. Everything will pass away, just as the flowers blossom and wither. Humans are not exempted from this process. At some point of our lives, we will lose something dear to us, be it a thing we love most or our own dearly beloved. The hardest situation that we can face is death of a person we care for. It evokes mixed feelings of sadness, bitterness, and hate. Is there a magic cure to grieving?

Grief is a process that anyone goes through. This is a fact. There are no prescriptions that can numb the pain of a loss and there is no time limit set for everyone to follow. One must simply find healing and move on. Finding relief is a tough process and knowing how you can deal with all the emotional pain can help you move on.

How Can You Deal with Grief Naturally

1. Acceptance

Learn to accept that loss is a part of life and give yourself time to mourn. Don’t deny your feelings and let your grief take over. You have to undergo the natural process of grieving now, not after five years or so. By accepting what happened, you can move on faster into the flow of your life.

2. Postpone

Put off making major decisions while you are in the grieving process. This means from buying or selling a home, marrying, or even adoption. You need to be in your right mind when you decide on these.

3. Live Healthy

Grieving can make you sluggish and lax about your personal well-being. You have lost something but you are still living. Don’t forget that! You need to force yourself to stay on a healthy habit, make healthy choices, and get physical activities. When you are grieving, your mind and body can truly benefit from a healthy lifestyle that can support your over-stressed immune system.

4. Love Your Music

Music has the power to heal our souls. Yes, there will be those that make you miss more the thing or person you have lost. You may cry a lot, yet, crying can make you feel better afterward. You can always listen to happy music and if you have troubles falling asleep, put your stereo headphones on and be lulled by the science of binaural music.

5. Share Your Pain

From writing your thoughts on a journal to sharing your pain with a friend, you just need to release all that pent up emotions. Don’t feel that you are alone in the process. Your family and friends just don’t know what to say exactly for you to move on. Listen to them when they tell you it’s time to do so. If you don’t want to unburden yourself to your family and friends, you can always ask support from a group, your church, or a counselor.

The only prescription to grief is moving on. It doesn’t mean you forget what happened. It is simply forgiving yourself and circumstances. You cannot change the past so you might as well move on to the future… starting with a bright smile on what today can bring into your life. Peace!

Karla News

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