Categories: Gardening

Five Tips for Edging Your Lawn

Edging can enhance the appearance of your lawn. It also helps combat weeds in those areas where weeds are most likely to grow. I like to edge lawn around my flower beds, vegetable garden and along the sidewalk and driveway. It takes some time to edge your yard the first time, but once edging is completed it is pretty easy to maintain. Here are some tips for edging your yard.

Tip Number One: Build a Trench

One of the easiest ways to edge around flower beds or gardens is to simply build a trench around the perimeter. I suggest using a shovel with a straight edge. I believe they are referred to as edging shovels and dig a trench a few inches deep around the perimeter of your flower bed or garden. The extra dirt can be added to the garden or to another area of the yard where it is needed.

Tip Number Two: Apply a Flower Border around Garden

Adding a border of flowers around the garden is not only practical for limiting the growth of weeds, it also looks really nice. The first step in edging with flowers is to dig a trench around the perimeter of the garden and then plant with your favorite perennials or annuals. I like to create a flower border with pretty, inexpensive and hearty marigolds. A border of sunflowers can also be pretty as an edging around a vegetable garden. Be creative and choose flowers that you love to look at.

Tip Number Three: Apply a Decorative Edge

Most gardening stores sell plastic, brick or wooden edging. This is pretty easy to install and makes great edging around flower beds and even as a perimeter around sidewalks and the driveway. Decorative edging is a great tool for limiting the growth of weeds around your sidewalk or flower beds. I have even seen recommendations for making your own decorative edging by fastening colorful ceramic tiles to plywood. I have never tried this myself but it sounds like an interesting way to edge yard around sidewalks and flower beds.

Tip Number Four – Edging Perimeter of Lawn

The easiest way to edge the perimeter of the lawn is to edge with either a manual or gas powered edger. Personally I love my manual edger and believe that you can achieve better definition between the yard and sidewalk with the manual edger than with a gas powered edger. It does take quite a bit of work though, and if you have a large yard you will probably want to purchase or rent a gas powered edger.

Tip Number Five – Maintenance

Once you have gone to the trouble of creating edging around the perimeter of your yard or around your flower beds you will want to be sure to maintain the edging. Maintenance is pretty simple and just requires periodically weeding the area either by hand or using a gas or electric edger or even a weed wacker.

Edging your lawn gives it a finished and professional look. I believe that edging is an essential step for having a beautiful lawn.


Karla News

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