FERTILITY – Ancient Chants, Spell & Rituals

I am a metaphysical author (KARMA -Change your life / Aromatherapy & Herbalism – the complete home user’s guide) and I would like to share with you ancient rituals, chants and fertility spells. Enjoy!


FEMALE: Carry 3 hazelnuts to promote fertility at all times – Jasmine flowers in the home or Jasmine essential oil

MALE: Carry a piece of mandrake root at all times – mandrake root contains poison so ensure to wrap and seal it well

FOODS: BOTH: Cucumber, apple, basil, hazel and myrtle

CHARMS: Place an amulet of a bull under your bed

AMULET: Wear a unicorn or a fish (necklace, tiepin etc)

GEMSTONE: Tanzanite – can be bought on a ring or alone (stone)

CHANT: At time of ovulation chant: When saying this chant hold your arms as if holding your bady

“To you, my child, my body is open
To you, my child, my mind is open
To you, my child, my heart is open

ESSENTIAL OILS: Pathchouli Oil, Sandalwood Oil, Pine incense

Mix two drops of each oil into a base oil (almond oil) and apply/rub gently around your womb. Visualize your pregnancy then draw a picture of yourself pregnant – all the time visualizing that you are pregnant. You draw the picture sideways so that the bump is sticking out and when you have finished your drawing, tear it in half (across – splitting the bump in two). Carry one part of your torn drawing on your person at all times and place under your pillow at night and bury the 2nd half in the earth (a garden, a plant). When you become pregnant take the first half of the drawing (the one you carry all the time) and bury it alongside the 2nd half (the part in the earth). Thank Mother Nature for your blessing.

May your thoughts, words, emotions and actions combine as one. May your prayers, positive energies and love evolve as one. May divinity permeate in harmony deep within your very beings. May the universal harmony be completed joyfully as you meld together as one.


Rochelle Moore


Karla News

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