Female Mood Swings

Okay I love women, and I will always love them, because we as men cannot live without them. In today’s environment women are everywhere from the work place as our bosses, and at the comfort of our own home. Now, before I start with this article I would like to say that women are beautiful, and I respect them for their gender. But, when it comes to mood swings these females really know how to put up a show. And, from a question I asked a female friend of mine, she told me what they like to indulge in to fight their mood swings. So, here I go ladies and gentleman with today’s topic “Female Mood Swings.”

Female Mood Swings #1

I’ll start out with the work place, I myself have had managers that have major mood swings, and take their mood swings on their employees. And, that can really suck, because I have actually quit one of my jobs, because my manager was being aggressive all week long, so I just couldn’t put up with it so I just quit on the spot. Another, problem is coming home and finding your wife complaining about something, and taking her problems out on you. Now, that can be a problem when you are really tired, and just ready for a home cooked meal, and relaxation. Now, I know, and heard that females have menstrual cycles, and that can cause mood swings, but it’s really weird how it effects them emotionally, and physically. To me it’s kind of interesting on how female minds work on a daily basis.

Female Mood Swings #2

I also had the honor of speaking to a female friend of mine, and she told me what females like to indulge in while they are having their mood swings. And, she said that mood swings are very serious, and can cause a female to act crazy. And, she said that females like to eat a lot of chocolate while they are going through their mood swings, because it makes them feel better about themselves. Maybe that’s why doctors say chocolate is actually good for you. Studies have claimed that chocolate clears your face, and there might be others cures from chocolate, but I do not know them. But, I do know that chocolate creates energy, for the body.

But, the main reason I wrote this paper is to find out what is actually going on in a female mind, when they are going through mood swings. And, I plan on not giving up until I get all the answers, but I think it’s more complicated than people think. So, if you are females of twenty plus years of age, “please give me some comments, and feedback on what actually goes on with female minds during their break downs.” And, once again I respect females, and I love them.

Karla News

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