Categories: Opinion and Editorial

Facebook’s New Font Size is Fixable — but it Doesn’t Make it Right

Facebook recently made some font size changes to the way Facebook users are able to view their newsfeeds. And this is one user (among many) who is not happy with the change.

Of course, there is an unwritten rule that humans do not like change; though we often adapt for lack of a better solution.

But there is a solution to this latest Facebook issue. You can fix the font size of your Facebook newsfeed. It’s a simple fix, really.

How to Fix the New Facebook Font Size:

Log in to Facebook and continue to your homepage.

Once there, locate the Ctrl (control) button on your keyboard.

Next, locate the + button on your keyboard (on the number(s) side.

Press both buttons simultaneously to increase the size of your Facebook newsfeed font.

Continue doing so until you reach the desired font size for your reading pleasure.

(To reduce the font size on Facebook, press Ctrl and – at the same time.)

Please note: this font size fix can be used for most any web page and should be taken into consideration if you are having issues viewing a particular web page.

However, this font size fix for Facebook does not make it right. If anything, its quite possibly that much more annoying.

Once you’ve increased your font size on Facebook you will see that now you can read your newsfeed; but you then have the added irritation of having to scroll from left to right to see the whole page.

Yes, this is frustrating, Facebook. If I may implore Mark Zuckerberg once more:

Dear Mr. Zuckerberg,

I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. Please accept my honest plea about the new Facebook font size change.

By this time you are aware that 100’s (of 1000’s) of your Facebook users are unhappy with the new font size change. We are Tweeting, Facebooking, and writing to your technical department, about our discontent.

Please take into consideration that not all your Facebook users have 20/20 vision and please consider reverting to the larger, (much easier to read) font.

I know you’re a busy man. And this latest Facebook woe may not even be the most important part of your day. Please know, however, that I started my day with a migraine and the new Facebook font is making my head scream.

Yes, I know this letter is a couple of days late; but until today (with the whole migraine issue) I was honestly resigned to dealing with it (the new Facebook font).

I implore you to heed the feedback from your Facebook users. Forgive my (somewhat conceited) naivete, but where would you be without us?


One insignificant Facebook user from Maine


The Epoch Times

Third Thing’s a Charm for Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg

Please Note: I am quite fond of Facebook. I also don’t have an issue with Mark Zuckerberg – he seems like a nice enough fellow, anyway. I just want to be able to read my newsfeed without squinting at the screen or jiggling the mouse back and forth. Thank you!

*Jiggling the mouse – technical term used by only the most tech savvy internet users.


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