Categories: Opinion and Editorial

Existence of God – 4 Reasons that Support the Existence of God

How do you create something out of nothing? Humans have a natural instinct to find reasons for events that cannot be explained. For instance, humans, like animals, are finite, and therefore, reasoning for God does not seem logical. On the other hand, science, a completely comprehendible subject to the human mind, further developed by human conventions by which humanity finds logical, is the reason why so many look past the existence of God. However, the reality is that God does exist, and there is no question about it. However, unlike science the only proof is found in the question, “How do you create something out of nothing?”

The Concept of Infinity:

God has no beginning and no end. However, how do you start something that never begins? This idea is called infinity; it is one of the few concepts the human mind cannot comprehend. For instance, how does an object move without another object moving it? Scientifically, all objects in motion were put into motion by other objects in motion. However, this cannot go on forever, because then there would be no first mover, which would result in no second mover, which would then result in nothing. Therefore, there must be one supreme mover that was not moved by anything, and this supreme mover can be none other than God.

The Concept of Nothingness:

In the same way, “nothing” has never existed. For this reason, if there was such a thing as “nothing,” then there would have been “nothing” now and forever; however, since there are such things as humans, animals, planets, stars, etc, nothingness is impossible. Therefore, there must have been “something” always present. Furthermore, one thing must have existed because it was necessary in itself to exist; however, if it were not necessary to exist, than the concept of “nothing” would be true, which is clearly not the fact. Necessarily, there must be the first efficient cause, which can be none other than God.

The Scientific Law of Conversion:

On the other end of the spectrum, some people argue why should God be the first efficient cause, as opposed to something easier to comprehend, such as matter. For this reason, some argue that the first efficient cause was matter. However, how can this be the first efficient cause if the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy states that matter cannot be created nor destroyed? Thus, matter could not have been the first efficient cause since we know matter to come from the unknown. Therefore, there must be something other than matter that is incomprehensible and non-existent to the human mind, such as the existence of a spirit or soul. For this reason, the only such factor can be that of God.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics:

Furthermore, many people believe that evolution is the primary cause for life. Although evolution is a legitimate argument, it is impossible for it to “occur” on its own. For this reason, the second law of thermodynamics-entropy-states that things go from organization to disorganization. For instance, molecules start off organized, however as soon as these molecules form an object such as wood the molecules become disorganized and completely random. On the other hand, evolution goes from disorganization to organization. In other words, a disorganized form of molecules formed a less disorganized form of cells, which in turn formed a lesser-disorganized form of cells. For example, the earth started with single-cellular organisms, which in turn formed into multi-cellular organisms. Gradually these multi-cellular organisms formed intricate organs and systems, such as the nervous system, liver, and brain. Therefore, evolution is not possible unless there had been a guiding hand, or else it would go against the law of entropy. To this end, the only guiding hand can be the one we know as God.

On the contrary, there are people who believe that the state of entropy can go from disorganization to organization and vice versa, and that this can be proven just by using a clear-cut deck of cards. The procedure goes as follows: a deck of cards comes in perfect order, which represents the highest form of entropy. However, when dropped the order is shattered and the cards enter a state of disorganization, or the lowest level of entropy. To this end, it is statistically possible to drop the deck of cards repeatedly until they once again enter a state of perfect entropy. Although the odds are tremendously slim, it is possible for such phenomenon to occur in a span of as much as 1 billion years. Although possible, this theory is impossible when applying it to living things. As stated before, the earth started with single cellular organisms, which in turn formed into multi-cellular organisms, and so on. For this reason, it is impossible for any form of species to “de-evolve,” because multi-cellular organisms cannot regress back into single-cellular organisms. Therefore, as stated, a necessary helping hand is required to have existed, which is none other than God.

Further Thoughts

I have realized that society’s standards are written on the basis of morals found in the Bible or in other holy scriptures. However, with the growing number of nonbelievers, or those who feel they are being pressured to learn about God, many efforts are being initiated in hopes of further enforcing the application of science in our current educational system, because it is the only explanation humankind finds “logical.” Be that as it may, but I will argue that science is a religion on its own, a theory based on human formed conventions that started with a simple idea one person deemed true. Therefore, since the laws of humankind were based on morals found in holy scriptures, it is necessary to also impose the teaching of religion, a fair argument towards “science,” in our schools. For this reason, people will question the existence of God with more knowledge about religion.

I believe in God, and I refuse to adhere to the masses that want to fight against this belief, because it is a pointless mêlée. However, I do not believe in religion because most are irrational due to reason I will not discuss. To this end, I cannot imagine why anyone would want to prove that the universe was a gigantic accident, that we are all damned to be the meaningless specks that we every so often deduce, and that when the coin falls we will not survive to see that it is tails; it saddens me to see that people would bestow their lives to proving that humanity means nothing.

Karla News

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