Categories: Gardening

Eight Ways to Get Rid of Aphids Naturally

Is it important to get rid of aphids and insect pests in your garden? Aphids have sharp mouths that pierce plant tissue allowing them to feed off plant sap. They subsequently secrete a sugary honeydew over leaves (this unfortunately attracts ants that happen to love eating the sap). They may attack all parts of the plant but new, vulnerable growth is their preference. Most problematic, some aphids can transmit viruses to other plants in your garden — causing a variety of problems overall .

Here are tactics for removing aphids from your plants and garden organically:

1. Manual removal of aphids
Ongoing removal works well assuming the amount of infestation allows for this. With gloves, pick aphids off stems and leaves and place in soapy water to drown. Aphids typically feed on the underbelly of leaves; for manual removal, look patiently under leaves for the most success.

2. Remove aphids with sharp stream of water
You can remove aphids with strong streams of water. This should be repeated once or twice a week and is effective most of the time. You can use a normal garden hose but may want to consider buying a specialized attachment that concentrates the jet of water.

3. Get rid of aphids with companion planting
According to English Gardening, plant garlic cloves (just one or two) among plants that aphids are attracted to; especially rose bushes. An infusion of garlic crushed into water and sprayed on the aphids will also help remove them. Many herbs, such as hyssop, sage, dill, lavender and thyme discourage aphids if planted near to susceptible plants.

4. Nettle spray removes aphids
Nettle spray is made from common stinging nettles and is reported to help control aphids.
According to English Gardening, nettle spray can be made by soaking one half pound young nettles in a bucket of water for a week. Strain and use undiluted; use spray bottle and on aphids directly.

5. Rhubarb spray gets rid of aphids
English Gardening also suggests rhubarb spray. Per their instructions, the oxalic acid in rhubarb leaves can help to control aphids, particularly on roses. Cut one pound of rhubarb leaves, place in an old saucepan (the oxalic acid may damage one that you still use) with two pints of water and boil for half an hour, topping up as necessary. When cool, add 1 teaspoon of soap flakes dissolved in one half pint warm water. This acts as the wetting agent when added to the strained rhubarb liquid. Stir the mixture thoroughly and use undiluted as a spray. Rhubarb leaves are quite toxic so be careful to keep this away from children and pets.

6. Use elder spray
Elder spray is also recommended by English Gardening. As stated, the effective agent is hydro-cyanic acid, so use an old saucepan when preparing the spray. Gather one pound leaves and young stems of elder plants preferably in spring when the sap is rising. Place in the saucepan and add six pints water. Boil for half an hour, topping up as necessary. Strain through old tights and use the liquid cold and undiluted. It will keep for three months if bottled tightly while still hot.

7. Introduce bugs that eat aphids
Introduce beneficial insects, such as ladybugs or green lacewings, to your garden to feed on the aphids. Both can be bought from any garden store or online.

8. Organic sprays and products to remove aphids
Aphids can be controlled with strong sprays such as garlic-pepper tea, neem or horticultural oil. Additional options include packaged products for sale, such as:

Orange Guard
Made from d-Limonene, Orange Guard kills aphids, spider mites, scale, mealybugs and more. Great for use inside or out on trees, shrubs, house plants and flowers.

Take Down Garden Spray
This product combines the fast knockdown of pyrethrin and the residual activity of canola oil; is a natural alternative to Dursban. Kills all stages of insects, including eggs and is both a dormant and growing season spray.

English Gardening; Pests and Diseases — Aphids, Greenfly, Blackfly, etc.,

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