Categories: Beauty

Easy Skin Type Test

You can figure out your skin type with a quick and easy test. Keep in mind that it is best to do this test before your normal morning cleansing routine, so the natural levels of oil have not been altered in any way. Once you know your skin type: dry, normal or oily, you will be better able to choice cleansers, moisturizers, and other products that will help your skin rather than contributing to a problem you might not be aware of.

A word about skin types before we get started. First, I do recommend retesting on occasion; since changing seasons, geographic locations, stress, diet, age and hormone fluctuations can all affect your skin and the amount of oil your body produces. In addition, the center portion of most everyone’s face carries the most oil. Therefore having a nose and forehead that carry a little excess oil while your cheeks seem dry is perfectly normal, and almost expected. Do not worry that you might have ‘combination’ skin, because we all do. It is better to treat your skin as a single type, than to sink extra money into special products that you do not need. Therefore, I suggest simply treating your entire face as a single skin type, and living a healthy lifestyle for the best possible skin. When in doubt, choice products that are good for all skin types, simplicity is often the best answer.

To gauge your skin type all you need is a piece of clean facial tissue. Use the clean tissue the areas on just one side of your face that tend to carry the most oil. Be sure to blot in several areas on that side, such as the chin, forehead, and side of the nose. When done blotting, take a good look at the tissue and your skin.

If you see very little to no oil at all on the tissue then you have dry skin. This means that you should choose gentle cleansers and moisture-rich products for the healthiest skin. Oil based cosmetic products; whether homemade or store bought, are just fine for your skin and can greatly improve the health and look of your skin when used correctly.

If you can see obvious signs of oil on the tissue, and a noticeable gloss on the unbolted side of your face in comparison with the blotted side, then you have oily skin. This means that you run a higher risk for acne and related issues while you are young, but it also means that as you age you are less likely to run into problems with dry skin. In order to maintain the healthiest, most radiant skin, it would be best to stick with the lightest products possible for cosmetic use, water-based would be the best option.

If your results lie somewhere in between dry and oily, with some oil visible on the tissue and a little different in shine on the two sides of your face, then you have normal skin. This means that you have more options in products you can use on your skin. You can safely use water or oil based products. However, it is important to remember to refrain from overdoing any treatment including toner or moisturizer so that you do not create dry or oily skin through your personal skin care routine.

No matter what your skin type, it is essential that you treat your skin well. Keep your skin clean and moisturized. Eating well, drinking plenty of water, protecting your skin from sun damage, and reducing stress can all help keep your skin beautiful and healthy. Do not trust any product that promises miracles. Instead it is important to put your energy towards keeping your whole self healthy and living a healthy life style. If you do that, your skin will reflect your care for all to see.

Karla News

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