Categories: Gardening

Easy Pumpkin Carving Techniques

To some, pumpkin carving can be one of those stressful moments where it seems like you can’t do anything right. This may seem like an unavoidable thing, but it doesn’t have to be. Pumpkin carving can be a very easy and enjoyable thing if you follow these simple methods.

The best work starts with the best materials. Choose a fresh pumpkin that doesn’t have any bruising or marks. A sturdy stem is a good sign the pumpkin is in a good condition. A flat pumpkin on the bottom will ensure it doesn’t roll about when carving. Sharp boning knives will make carving a lot easier, but if you don’t have access to these any sharp knife will suffice.

When selecting the theme you want to design your pumpkin as this year, remember there are an enormous amount of options. If you decide to draw your own, start by sketching it out on a piece of plain paper. Make sure your design includes ample space for edges so your design is sturdy when carved out. If you rather go with a pre made design, surf the Internet until you find a design that suits you. Once you find one you will enjoy print this out on paper.

The first step in carving is to create the lid for your pumpkin. This can be done in one of two ways, by carving out the top or the bottom. For simplicity sakes we will concentrate on carving the top of the pumpkin. You want to create a hole that is large enough to comfortably stick your hand inside the pumpkin to work. Place your knife into the top of the pumpkin at a slant and carve around the stem creating a hole. We place the knife at a slant to create a seat the pumpkin lid can sit on and not fall through.

The most and messiest work comes from cleaning out the pumpkin. The goal is to remove all the seeds and strings from inside the pumpkin so nothing gets in the way of your design. Different tools can be used for this purpose from kitchen spoons to ice cream scoops. Use whatever is most comfortable and easiest for you. While you are scraping the strings and seeds from the pumpkin’s sides, it is also a good idea to shave the side you will be carving. This will make it easier to pierce the pumpkin’s shell later when you begin to carve the design. Once you scoop all the goo and seeds out of the pumpkin replace the lid.

This next part will require tacks of some sort. If you don’t have any tacks handy nails will work just as well. Place your drawing over the flattest face of the pumpkin and tack it in place at each corner. Trace along your drawing by placing thumb tacks slightly apart along the lines. After you have reconstructed your design using the tacks, remove them all from the paper then remove the paper from your pumpkin. You now want to rub some flour over the holes you created using the tacks. This will make it easier to see the outline you have made. Using any soft tipped marker connect the dots using your paper as a guide.

With the pumpkin clean and ready for carving, the doubts begin to arise about carving it. If you are very patient and go slow you will avoid a lot of mistakes and even prevent cutting yourself. First make sure the pumpkin is in a stable place to work. If it moves too much you can place it in your lap for more stability Straight in and out cuts work the best. If you slant the knife too much the design won’t light up as bright. Start with the smallest trickiest places first. These are usually were the most mistakes will happen and are easier to cover if the pumpkin still doesn’t have a lot carved out of it. For better accuracy try using a slow sawing motion with gentle pressure instead of trying to drag the knife along the outline. Once the details of your design are finished, cut out the larger easier pieces.

Once you finish carving out your design, remove the lid and clean out anything that may have fallen back inside. Place a flashlight inside and dim the lights to see if anything may need a bit more trimming to make the design turn out better. Once satisfied, sprinkle a touch of cinnamon over the inside of the lid and place your candle inside. When lit this should give your pumpkin a lovely pumpkin pie smell.

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