Categories: Music

Duran Duran’s Top 10 Best Songs of My Time

As a child and teenager, Duran Duran was the top band. They were also my number one favorite. Really to this day they still are. Those songs, those videos, those men; they were all a music fan could ask for! Their songs mean something to me, each for their own memory and special place in my heart. To me these songs remind me of the past, and represent some hope for the future. Silly as that sounds, Duran Duran and their music are just a part of me. These ten songs are the cream of the crop of Duran Duran in my eyes.

10. Save A Prayer. Now this song was very different for Duran Duran at the time. It was much slower than some of their other music. That is part of what hit me. It was so thoughtful and soulful. It touched me in a deep place and truly allowed me to feel. That is a grand feat when it comes attached to a teenager. That song said so many things that most music just couldn’t touch. I still love to close my eyes and just be when this song comes across the airwaves.

9. Careless Memories. This song is simply too cool to describe! I feel like it was about the time in a person’s life where things should be a little carefree and fancy free as well. The tempo moves along at the proper pace to convey that feeling. I just feel in love with how this song moves.

8. New Moon on Monday. This little song was just fun. Plain and simple fun. I enjoy the beat, the pace and the words. Just hearing this song brings a smile to my face, still. Any song that does that is a hit in my book.

7. Rio. This song really was ground breaking for the group. And, I think, to the group’s fans. Once this song was turned into a video, Duran Duran was forever changed and so was the fan base. Too cool for words.

6. Notorious. This song was introduced to me much later than most of the classic Duran Duran songs. But right away I knew that I really loved this song. It still carried the air of Duran Duran. It was just an awesome sound. I felt that it was the start of my “second age” of music enjoyment. Just moved to a new beat. But still that classic Duran Duran sound.

5. Union of the Snake. This was just a wild song. And a wild ride of emotions. My best friend and I loved Duran Duran as teens with this song sort of as our flag ship song. It just loved this song. Just too much fun.

4. Hungry Like the Wolf. I always think of the music video when I think of this song. Boy it was really different with the woman doing the hunting in the video. Kind of refreshing and empowering. Really amazing song, truly.

3. The Reflex. Now, this song was the reason Duran Duran got so big so fast. I adore this song. It is so different. I remember that the video was one of the first that I saw. It was wild and strange. And for some reason, I just attached to it right away. I was forever connected to a song. It was wild and strange and I thought of myself that way. Even if I could never act on those feelings, I could still sort of live that way through that video of The Reflex. Just mention Duran Duran and The Reflex is the first song one thinks of.

2. Wild Boys. When this song first came out it became me instead favorite. I would fall asleep to this song. Then there was the video. Duran Duran was huge at the time that MTV was getting huge. Those facts coupled together really brought Wild Boys to the front row of great music. That video is burned into my brain. I thought it was one of the most interesting and diverse things I had seen on TV in a very long time. It was just so different. Truly a work of art. I will always love this song.

1. A View to a Kill. This will always be my favorite Duran Duran song. It was a Bond Film song. Right there is a huge feat and sent the song into the instant classic category. This song will forever be remembered because it is attached to a popular Bond movie. I loved that video because the Duran Duran members became part of the action right along with Bond himself. It was such a great storytelling feature. To include the band into the action of a film was a new concept then. I love this song. I have it as part of my MySpace at this very moment.

All these songs make Duran Duran my favorite band of all time. Just listen to any and all of Duran Duran’s albums and you will fall in love with them too!

Karla News

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