Categories: Food & Wine

Dole Mandarin Oranges

While grocery shopping recently, I happened to notice a display of Dole Mandarin Oranges. It had been quite a while since I last ate mandarin oranges and I do enjoy eating them sometimes, so I purchased one can of them. I have already eaten the entire can of oranges and I was very impressed with them. Presented here, is one food writer’s product review of Dole Mandarin Oranges.

The container of Dole Mandarin Oranges being reviewed here is the 11 ounce can. The can contains 2.5 one half cup servings of oranges. In physical size, the can is fairly small and does not require much storage space. The orange segments themselves are pretty small and they have an appetizing appearance.

Dole Mandarin Oranges are also available in 15 ounce cans, four packs of fruit cups and 24.50 ounce jars.

The regular retail price charged for one 11 ounce can of Dole Mandarin Oranges at Hartford, Connecticut area supermarkets is approximately $1.49. I think that this price is reasonable. The per – serving cost of these oranges works out to roughly $0.60c.

These tasty orange segments feature a very pleasing texture. They are soft and juicy and unlike navel orange slices. When you bite into one of these orange pieces, they release a good amount of juice and they are very easy to eat. There is no peel to remove and there are also no seeds.

Nutritional Facts
Dole Mandarin Oranges contain 80 calories, with 0 calories from fat, per 0.5 cup serving. These oranges also contain 0 grams total fat, 10 mg of sodium, 80 mg of potassium, 19 grams total carbohydrates, 18 grams of sugars and 0 grams of protein, per 0.5 cup serving.

Taste / Flavor
Mandarin oranges offer a sweet and unique flavor and Dole Mandarin Oranges are always of high quality and delicious. They taste great plain and they are also a tasty accompaniment to many other dishes. While these oranges taste great in cakes, pies, cookies and other desserts, they are also excellent ingredients in salads, such as garden salads, chicken salad, waldorf salad variations and spinach salad. On a flavor scale of one through ten, I would rate Dole Mandarin Oranges a nine.

Dole Mandarin Oranges are packaged in a metal can that features an easy-to-use pull tab opener. The red, white and blue label features an illustration of the enclosed product on the front and the rear label lists all relevant ingredient and nutritional information.

Overall Rating
All things considered, Dole Mandarin Oranges are very tasty little orange segments that are fun to eat at anytime. These oranges are reasonably priced and are stocked and sold at food retailers across America. Because this is a Dole product, the consumer can rest assured that the oranges are of high quality. Dole Mandarin Oranges are highly recommended by this food writer.

Sources :
Personal experience with the product
The product label

Karla News

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