Categories: Gardening

DIY Do it Yourself Aquarium CO2 Injectors

I think my most frustrating part of the hobby of fish keeping has been algae. Nothing frustrates you more than to buy all these plant, only to have them succum to algae within a week. I’ve given you the recipe for setting up these tanks with you in my “Setting Up A Planted Tank” tweaked to what I have found to worst best for me. So, hopefully you have that lush jungle happily growing. But, if you have found that all of a sudden your underwater garden is covered in algae and it just won’t go away, it’s time to think CO2.

Okay, I’m not good at the technical stuff so this is how I put it…your plants need a proper amount of CO2 for photosynthesis to occur properly. If not, they end up covered in slimy goo. I had tried every algar remedy out there and while some helped for a bit, I always ended back up with algae. After installing these cheap little babies, my plants are lush and there is only enough algae for the Iivebearers babies and Oto’s.

You can buy high tech CO2 injectors but, I advise you to try this cheap and easy homemade DIY Co2 Injector to see what it what can do for you before investing in all the high tech, high dollars injectors.

You will need to collect a 2-liter or two. I have two on my 65 gallon and its perfect. One works great on my 35. Get 2-4 feet of airline hose…adjust to your needs. You will also need a little air stone for each tube.

Drill a hole right into your 2-liters lid but drill it just slightly smaller than your airline. Push your hose thru about an inch and seal with nontoxic silicone. Let this set overnight…if you don’t, it will work for a day or two and then KAPUT. So just wait. 😉

The next day, gather up1 teaspoon yeast, ½ teaspoon baking soda, and 2 cups of sugar.

Using a funnel, add all yeast, baking soda, and sugar to your 2-liter bottle. Then fill your 2-liter bottle about 5 inches from the top and screw cap back on tightly. Add your air stone to the opposite end of your airline and place it down in you tank. Bubbles should start producing shortly and last for about 3 months, at which you’ll just empty your 2-liter and put a new mixture in.

Two things we’ve learned…first and foremost, USE A CHECK VALVE. I cannot stress this enough. We have our largest tank looking like a jungle and my breeding pair of angels were spawning like crazy. My sister babysat and her toddler pulled on the line behind the tank and the CO2 injector happened to be one of them. We got home late, and in the morning I found what my husband and I still refer to as “Fish Hooch.” It was horribly sad. ALL our fish were seriously drunk, swimming in circles and loops, couldn’t swim straight…they were seriously drunk! So yes, get a check valve so that you don’t have to worry about any mishaps.

Second, use higher quality yeast and not only will you get up to a week longer out of your bottles, you will usually avoid the “Yeast Ball” that sometimes forms around the air stone. A jar of Fleischman’s from the grocery store works well but if you have access to a winery or win making store, checkout their stock. WAAAY cheap and better, cleaner stuff. If you still find that you are developing a “yeast ball” on your air stone, then add second 1-liter bottle with just water that you apply the same contruction process to. This water bottle will act as a filter.

Karla News

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