Categories: Decorating & Design

Different & Unique Prom Themes for 2009

The theme for your high school prom is something that is going to be special to you and remembered for the rest of your life. Prom is one of the most important nights in anyone’s life. The only problem is that it makes it hard to live up to its own expectations. Here are some great prom theme ideas to make sure that your prom night is as special and unique as you expect it to be.

A Twisted Fairy Tale
Not your usual prom theme, but that’s the point right? Have your prom in a garden – think trees, ponds, wild mushrooms, and lawns – but change it up. Have your forest glen set in darkness and change the colors. Purple trees, muted orange stars hanging from the ceiling. Put two moons up! If it is at all possible have people dressed as woodland creatures cater the event. Be sure to have some gnarled old trees with no leaves and string clear fairy lights through their branches. Lay turf on the floor and create paths through it, with little “glens” set off the path throughout the room. If you have the time and budget, you might like to have the chairs and tables resemble wild mushrooms. Don’t forget giant flowers, towering over everyone, and random patches of tiny little flowers all over the place. Periodically throughout the night it should “rain” silver glitter confetti. A blacklight will complete the mood for A Twisted Fairy Tale.

Mirror, Mirror
This theme can be as extravagant or as minimalist as you want it to be. The concept will be ‘reflection’. Reflection on the last four years, on high school, on the end of a chapter in your life. It should come across as magical and somewhat ethereal. Hang mirrors of all different sizes. Either buy or make different borders for all the mirrors. Have some mirrors decorated to look like windows with curtain rods above them and heavy velvet or silk curtains tied back. Have smaller mirrors with ornate gold gilded frames. Some borders can be made of memorable events of your class – this will signify looking back into the past. Centerpieces should be of mirrors and silverware should be mirrored. The floor should be white or silver and if possible, chairs will be draped with white linen and tied with silver sashes. The lighting should be muted, and candles on tall holders should be displayed prominently.

A Medieval Ball
Wrought iron will play a huge part in the decoration of this theme. Tall wrought iron candle holders, wrought iron wall hangings, and wrought iron centerpieces with flowers entwined around the pieces of metal are the focal points. Light should come from candles on tables, candle holders, and wall sconces. If you’re worried about fire safety, there are plenty of wickless candles available that don’t burn, but emit just the right amount of light. Drinks should be served in goblets and coloring of decor should be rich and deep such as burgundys, golds, deep purples.

A Gala Event
Plan your prom theme as though it is a gala event of the utmost importance. Faux crystal glasses, silverware, and dishes on every table. The colors are entirely up to you, but I’d be tempted to use black and white for linen, chair covers, and table runners. Use gold for detail and red roses for the flowers. Centerpieces can be simple, but elegant. A glass vase filled with towering gold twigs wrapped with roses. Rose petals can be strewn on the tables. A single red rose on each plate always adds a touch of romantic elegance and if you can find a venue with over-the-top chandeliers, it would be perfect. A red carpet entrance will heighten the effect, with a “press” area for photo’s off to the side.

Remember, your high school prom will only come once in a lifetime and is a rite of passage for every teenager. Think creatively. Put your heart into it and play around with different ideas!


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