Categories: SPORTS

Cyclone Feed System for Tippmann 98 Custom Paintball Gun

The Cyclone Feed system is an upgrade designed to stop your marker from chopping paint when firing at a high rate of fire, it works by loading a ball whenever you pull the trigger, using excess blow-back gases. The Cyclone can reach up to 17 balls per second completely stock, but with a few upgrades it can reach 25 balls per second or greater.

Installation- The installation is very simple. All you really need to do is replace the power tube with the new one (unless you already have a response trigger) then replace the normal feed elbow with the Cyclone. After you’re done with that just attach the banjo fittings to each other and your done. Although if you have a response trigger you will need a Banjo T Fitting (call/email Tippmann and they will mail you one).

Performance- The Cyclone lives up to the Tippmann name; its tough, durable, performs better than claimed, looks good, and is upgradeable (shows how upgradeable Tippmann’s are; even their upgrades are upgradeable). You will notice a significant increase in the rate of fire you can achieve without chopping immediately after installation. The Cyclone works perfectly with the Response Trigger, as both have an official limit of 15 balls per second, and both can be upgraded to go faster than that. The Cyclone is made of a tough plastic that will not break unless it you try to break it. Although many people say that the Cyclone will greatly decrease the amount of shots you get per tank in reality you probably only lose 25-50 shots. One great thing about the Cyclone is the total lack of batteries; you’ll never have to worry about whether or not you’ll have enough batteries for the next game. Another problem the Cyclone takes care of is that instead of continuously pushing (agitating) the balls into the gun, it only forces the paint-balls into firing position after the trigger is pulled; this further reduces the amount of chopping you might get at high rates of fire.

Shortcomings- While the Cyclone is a great system; it does have its flaws. At high rates of fire (above 17 balls per second on a stock cyclone, but with upgrades you can reach higher rates of fire without this effect) the paint-balls will “popcorn” or bounce around inside the hopper instead of loading correctly, causing you to dry fire. Another potential problem with the cyclone is that the “ratchet” (a part inside) will sometimes break and need to be replaced. Though bothersome you can get a free ratchet(s) from Tippmann or buy an aluminum one and stop the problem altogether (and increase the rate of fire). If you think you are going to be buying a new marker soon (non-98 Custom) you should not buy this upgrade, as it only works on 98 Customs (and Model 98’s with some modding).

Overall, I think the Cyclone is a great upgrade for the 98 Custom, as long as you know what to expect.

Karla News

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