Categories: Gardening

Cruelty-Free Ways to Keep Bees Away This Summer

I am allergic to bees, so keeping them away from me in the summertime is quite literally a matter of life and death. However, as a vegan I am also opposed to insecticides and other lethal prevention and removal methods for dealing with bees. Bees are an essential part of our ecosystem as they pollinate flowers, trees and other plants that provide the oxygen we need. In recent years, large number of bees have been vanishing and dying from mysterious causes around the world, providing even more incentive to deal with the pests in a humane and cruelty-free manner. These prevention methods will help keep your encounters with these insects to a minimum all summer long without killing or harming them in any way.

Dryer Sheets

Dryer Sheets with fabric softener are my greatest “weapon” against bees every summer. This cruelty-free method was shared with me by a family friend several years ago, and now I swear by it as I have found it to be incredibly effective. Simply fold a fresh dryer sheet and put it in the pocket of whatever clothing you are wearing. If you are carrying a purse or beach bag, throw a few fresh sheets in that as well. You can even rub one across your skin before going out to keep the bees away. If you are having a picnic or barbecue, place a few under your picnic basket or around tables to discourage bees from trying to share your food. Bounce dryer sheets seem to work best, though I have had success with generic brands as well. Dryer sheets work in a similar fashion to repellent sprays, and will make it easy to enjoy your day in the sun without being bothered by bees.

Clip-On Bug Repellent

Bug repellents work by masking your natural odors that attract bees and other insects to you. Though repellents are typically used to ward of mosquitoes, they are also effective at repelling bees. If you don’t like the smell or sticky feeling of a spray-on repellent, a clip-on repellent is an excellent alternative to consider. Simply clip one onto your clothing while spending time outdoors.

Moth Balls

Moth balls are another effective repellent for bees. Cut the feet off of a few pairs of pantyhose and fill them with moth balls. Tie the pantyhose off and hang them around the areas you want to keep bees away from, such as your porch, patio or childrens play set. Though moth balls are meant to kill moths in closets, they will not kill anything in your yard as the fumes will not be contained and will not build up to a lethal level. Instead, the pungent odor will discourage and keep away insects, including bees.

Brown Paper Bags

Bees are incredibly territorial and by nature will attack anything that comes near their hives. Because of this, bees typically will avoid enemy hives, or what they perceive to be an enemy hive in fear of being attacked. Blow up a few brown paper bags and tie them off. Hang them around areas you want to keep bees away from. Though this method isn’t always perfect, it can help discourage bees from coming close to you as they will see the bags and be fooled into thinking you are surrounded by hives of another colony.

Contact a Beekeeper

If you find a hive in your yard, it is important to have it removed or it will continue to grow, resulting in more bees on your property. If you are deeply concerned with the welfare of the bees, it is essential that you call a beekeeper and not an exterminator. Be aware that when calling the fire department or other government agencies for assistance it is likely an exterminator will be sent, so do your research independently first and call a beekeeper. Beekeepers can calm the bees with smoke for transport before removing and relocating the hive. This way the hive stays intact and the colony stays together.

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