Categories: Crafts & Hobbies

Crafts for Girls

Many girls, whether animal and nature lovers, girly girls or social butterflies seem to enjoy doing crafts. Plenty of craft ideas and projects for girls can be found online. However, four sites where I have found good craft ideas to suit any girl’s crafting interests are DLTK, Free Kids Crafts, All Free Crafts and Kid’s Crafts.


At DLTK Crafts for Girls, patterns and project ideas can be found that will appeal to girls ages 3 to teen age. Simple projects for the younger crowd include a Hello Kitty Bow Headband and Fun Foam Purses. Preteens and teens will find craft ideas on how to decorate tote bags and shoes and how to make friendship bracelets, feather pens and purses. My favorite project at DLTK is the Home Made Tote Bag. This is a simple sewing project with options for personalizing and creativity. For those who don’t sew, there are optional directions.

All Free Crafts

All Free Crafts website will appeal to girls who enjoy making gifts for friends and family. One section titled Unusual Homemade Gifts offers amusing, practical and unique ideas for crafts. Girls who love animals will enjoy making easy dog toys, a hand towel kitten or a fish bowl air freshener. For moms, (Moms are girls, too!) especially those who like to garden there is a recipe for homemade spicy tea soaps. The directions are straight forward and use herbs and essential oils to create homemade soaps.

Free Kid’s Crafts

With bonnets, dolls, stuffed animal boxes, recycled t-shirt pillows, accessories holders and soda can tab belts; Free Kid’s Crafts is for crafting girls of all types. Free Kid’s Crafts respects copyright issues and credits where they found the ideas. I appreciate the focus on reusing items and recycling. One of the crafts I liked for its simplicity and for the possibilities for girls to individualize the project is the Striped Headbands project. Using colored vinyl tapes and plastic headbands girls can create school themed headbands or headbands to match their outfits.

All Crafts

All Crafts is a crafting network of links to craft projects, ideas and information. The Crafty Girls and Beading & Jewelry sections at All Crafts/Kid’s Crafts may appeal more to girly girls than to other types of personalities but it offers a wide selection of interesting crafts and other sections. Two craft ideas I liked on this site were the Lip Gloss Necklace and How to Make a Grapevine Wreath. What I like about wreaths is that wreaths can be made with grape or honeysuckle vines and decorated for any season thus being a multipurpose decoration. Using a pattern, beads and a cord, the lip gloss necklace creates a reusable holder for lip gloss so when a girl needs her gloss it can be easily found.


Lip Gloss Necklace, All Crafts

Monica Resinger, How to Make a Grapevine Wreath., All Crafts

Striped Headbands, Free Kid’s Crafts

Crafts for Girls, DLTK’s Growing Together

Sewing a back to school cotton tote bag, DLTK’s Growing Together

Spicy Tea Soaps, All Free CraftsHome Made Tote Bag, DLTK

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