Common Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Disease

Kidney disease is a condition which occurs when your kidneys are damaged and lose their ability to keep your body healthy. Your kidneys regulate your body’s water as well as certain chemicals in your blood such as sodium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. The liver releases hormones into your blood that help regulate blood pressure, create red blood cells and promote strong bones. Left untreated, kidney disease can cause you to develop high blood pressure, anemia, and nerve damage, as well as an increased risk of having heart disease. Kidney disease can be caused by diabetes and high blood pressure (the two main causes), and other conditions. Over 26 million American adults have chronic kidney disease.

Early diagnosis of kidney disease can sometimes keep the condition from progressing, so if you have any of the following symptoms, please see your doctor. This article describes the top five signs and symptoms, but does not constitute or replace medical advice. If kidney disease is allowed to progress untreated it can lead to dialysis or the need for a kidney transplant, so please seek care if you need it. There are three simple tests that can detect chronic kidney disease, so don’t delay.

One. You are urinating less than you normally do, or urinating more frequently, especially at night. Your urine may be foamy or bubbly, or may contain blood. You may also be feeling pressure or having trouble urinating. This symptom of kidney disease starts when the kidneys begin to fail, as these organs produce urine.

Two. You have swelling from fluid buildup in your tissues (this is called edema), especially around your feet and ankles. You may also have facial swelling. This symptom is caused when your failing kidneys stop removing extra fluid from your body.

Three. You feel very tired all the time and have less or no energy. Failing kidneys make less of a hormone that regulates your red blood cells and causes your body to produce fewer of them. This symptom is brought on by a lack of red blood cells, which causes a lack of oxygen, makes your muscles and your brain feel tired very quickly.

Four. You don’t feel hungry any more, and are losing weight without trying. You often feel sick to your stomach and/or are vomiting. This symptom is caused by the build up of wastes in your blood due to the kidneys inability to remove the wastes.

Five. You have headaches and/or trouble thinking clearly and concentrating. This symptom can be caused, again, by the lack of red blood cells which leads to lack of oxygen in your brain. You may also be having trouble sleeping and experiencing muscle cramping at night.

Please take these symptoms seriously and see your health care practitioner for treatment. Remember, early diagnosis of kidney disease may keep the disease from progressing.

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