Categories: Pets

Common Goldfish Illnesses

Goldfish are often viewed as a good choice for a first pet. They are low maintenance and are pleasurable to watch. Though it is a known fact that goldfish have a short lifespan, there are many things you can do to prolong the life of your fishy friends. For example, fish have common ailments, just as humans do. With careful observation you can spot the warning signs and be able to cure your fish. By paying closer attention to these delightful pets, you can keep them happier and healthier longer. Many people are unaware that the treatments for these ailments are usually inexpensive and can actually prevent the sickness from occurring in the future.

Part of caring for your fish is being able to properly diagnose certain illnesses that can occur. One of the most common types of illnesses is Ichtyopthirius, which is often referred to as Ich, or the varied spelling of Ick. This appears as small white specks on your fish, and are actually parasites. These parasites feed on your fish, then fall off and reproduce in the gravel of your aquarium, starting a continuing cycle. This condition most often occurs in dirty water of poor condition, when your fish is stressed, or if your fish is already weakened or sick. Ich remedies can be found in medicated drops, tablets, and gels that are available at most pet shops and specialty stores.

Another common goldfish ailment is fin rot. Fin rot is a bacterial infection that manifests itself in damaged or wounded areas of the fins. It is characterized by a white colored “edge” appearing on the fins. It will result in the fins looking ragged and torn as they slowly deteriorate due to the infection. Because fin rot is a type of fungus it can be treated with medicated drops, tablets, and foods also located at your local pet store.

Fish have a compacted digestive system which sometimes causes them to develop constipation. High fat foods can cause your fish this discomfort, and it is a little harder to diagnose than most illnesses. The most common sign is that the fish tank is slightly cleaner than normal. This indicates that the fish cannot remove waste normally, and its digestive system must be cleared. Constipation in fish can be treated by feeding them a common garden pea once or twice throughout a day. Peas act as a mild laxative in fish, which can easily correct this problem.

Just as humans can have lice, so can fish. Fish lice are small, disk shaped objects that are greenish in color. These parasites attach to your fish and cause painful irritation. Fish infested with lice can often be seen rubbing against aquarium ornaments trying to remove the problem themselves, and red spots often develop where the lice have been. This condition can be treated by physically removing the parasite from your fish and then administering medication. However, these parasites reproduce quickly and if not caught in time could result in a fatality.

Not all fish illnesses can be identified and treated as easily as those mentioned above. Dropsy is an excellent example of this. Dropsy is an infection caused by bacteria that infects your fish internally, then works its way outward. Symptoms of this fatal illness include bulging eyes, bloating, and observation of the scales “poking out” coarsely. Unfortunately, these signs often show during the final stages of this disease. If caught during the symptom of bulging eyes, medications can treat your fish and possibly save it. Time is very important with this illness because after a certain point the fish will be too sick to cure.

Many of these illnesses are easy to treat if some knowledge is known about them. Also, many of these treatments can be found at your local pet store or other animal specialty shops. Fish can live for several years if cared for properly, and can be very satisfying pets.

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