Categories: Beauty

Clean & Clear Oil-Free Shine Control Moisturizer: Review

I had used a shine control moisturizer in the past that worked really well. I was able to put this shine control lotion on my face before applying makeup, and for the majority of the day my forehead and nose would remain shine free.

During what I thought was going to be a move from my current home into a new home though, I packed away a huge majority of my things. This shine free moisturizer being one of many things lost in a box in the basement somewhere.

With warmer weather approaching, my shiny skin also likes to make its debut. During a recent trip to our local Target I picked up a 4 ounce bottle of Clean & Clear Oil-Free Shine Control Moisturizer.

The lotion basically promised me that using it would moisturize my face all day long, while controlling shine, for shine free and smooth skin.

I figured this was sweet, because not only do I need a moisturizer for dry parts of my face, but I also needed a lotion for shiny parts of my face. For me Clean&Clear Oil-Free Shine Control Moisturizer seemed like it would be one of those gnarly 2 in 1 deals.

Clean & Clear Oil-Free Shine Control Moisturizer comes in a small plastic bottle with a standard pump attachment at the top. I had used bottles like this, and I liked them because they never would squirt out too much lotion.

My Use:


It was a sunny Saturday morning. I was ready to begin my day. Me, my boyfriend, the car keys, and a pocket full of money; our destination – breakfast.

Before globing on my makeup, I first remembered to put on someClean & Clear Oil-Free Shine Control Moisturizer. I knew the sun was going to be beaming today, and wanted to put the lotion to use. I hoped it would leave my skin shine free, as promised.

I pumped a little bit of the lotion into my hand, and immediately noticed that this lotion was more of a cream base lotion, than it was an actual lotion. It had a nice thick texture to it, with a bit of a pasty feel to it.

I rubbed it all around my problem areas. I noticed right away though that it didn’t really have much going for it as a moisturizer. After applying it left my skin looking clean, fresh, and semi matte. No shine at all! At the same time though it also left my skin feeling a little dry, which could also be just as bad as being too oily, because it could cause my makeup to look cakey.

I went ahead and gave it the benefit of the doubt, and applied my makeup on top.


My skin was looking great, feeling a little parched, but still looking good. I had a nice soft shine free finish, and was ready to start my glorious day with my boyfriend.


Breakfast ends, and I take a look into my compact.

Um…ewww! My forehead was shining like a mirror, and my dry areas appeared to be even drier, with what looked like small flakes of skin hanging from it. I looked a little zombified. Dry spots on my cheeks, and a mirror finish on my forehead.

So much for long lasting shine free, and smooth skin all day! What a crock!

I at least expected Clean & Clear Oil-Free Shine Control Moisturizer to last till noon, before any signs of shine began to show.


Clean & Clear Oil-Free Shine Control Moisturizer was a waste of $6.00. I was better of not using it at all.



It does not moisturize, it does not keep shine away. It leaves skin feeling cakey, dry, and oily all in one.

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Karla News

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